he didn't tell me

he didn't tell me

a secret dancer is okay so is a secret singer but is a secret crush ok? zoe is a 20 year old who has been waiting for her "true luv" to rescue her but the thing is that she is not in danger she wants her true luv Nailen fondly called Nay to kiss her or at least tell her that he luv her but unfortunately all the time they were "close" or rather "getting"close was interrupted by her "secret" friends And the real problem is that they promised not to call each other or have any contacts every they are afraid that they will ruin their frnds future so every six months nay and her other friends come to there "special" place Every time the "six months" come she hopes he will bring a ring but she has been disappointed every "six months"

published on April 30, 20173 reads 3 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 4.


I looked at myself again ok so i looked gud in red. i can't believe marcus noted it when i didn't.and he has gud selection. the red dress is so gorgeous i just love it. but i still don't know why i am going with him today.i guess it was because for the past 6 years i haven't been on a date and i wanted to get right on the track of dating.okay  dokey. this is it.

where the heck was marcus ?? i am in front of my house and i don't even have a coat. didn't expect it to be this cold.i know marcus knew me better than i know him. but i know that punctuality was not his thing.but punctuality is not my thing too i am 5 minutes late he is 10 minutes late well there comes marcus in his red car. red car? he had a black car i am sure of that (marcus black car had a scratch coz of julia's car )
wow the hotel is so beautiful it has red lights , red balloons the table is heart shaped and is red in color.suddenly marcus asked me "wat do u want to it? should i go for something light or a 3 course meal?" I just wanted to finish this date so i said "no i think we will go for light""wat do u want?" me ? i want nay.  thinking of him made me smile and said"i luv desserts so i guess i will be fine with a raspberry pana cotta" marcus called the waiter and said"one raspberry pana cotta and one mushroom ravioli"
then he turned to me and asked "so u like desserts i luv beginners " i smiled at him he is trying to make a conversation i did not want to encourage him but still i said  " yes, so do u have any siblings ?""yeah 2. a brother and a sister wbu?" " umm me? yes 3 sisters so how is it to having to be the elder one? cool?"
"yeah kind of cool it is like " I MAY FIGHT WITH THEM BUT IF SOMEONE TOUCHES THEM U WILL BE FACING ME""oh cool so u are their older protective brother"
"yeah sort of"

he took me to "brothers"!seriously? yeah it is a gud movie but is it wat u make ur partner see in a date. that too the first date .he was romantic in the beginning everything red and all.i got into his car and he asked me "wondering why  i took u to that movie?or cursing urself  for coming " woah he can read mind too ? i just gave him a smile. he said " thru this date i'd like to convey that u will be always my first priority but right after or just below my siblings will be there"
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plz give me a review on this coz i want to know how this story is for cintunuing it plzzz
on April 30, 2017