Mm 15

Mm 15

I kinda didnt know that the last one was the 14th and i sayed the 13th, so dont be confused.

published on January 21, 20195 reads 1 reader 0 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Merge cube's party

Merge cube: where is everyone?
Team breakfast: SURPRISE!!!!!
Light: i love parties!
Key charm: what the heck is she doing here!
Light: so you joined the show, huh?
Key charm: umm ya.
Light: i thought they wouldent let any shortstacks like you join!
RC: uhhh.
Light: no offence lil car
RC: none taken!
Key charm: oh ya? Well i thought they wouldent let CRIMINALS like You join!
Blackcurrant juice: charmy? Whats gotten in to you.
Key charm: oh were old friends.
Light: ya. You wish!
Flare: ok break it up!
Light: i may have a criminal record but at least im not as WEAK AS YOU!
Key charm: heh. You call me weak! That dumb pencil case was weaker than you!
Light: *gasp* you. Take. THat. BACK!
Kay charm: cant.
Flare: ENOUGH! Seriously, all you ever do is fight!
Light: thats because i got arrested because of her.
Merge cube: ok. Ok. I was going to let you have some cake but it looks like light and key charm messed that up for you guys!
Key charm: im sorry guys.
Merge cube: anyway, the next challenge is to survive in this forest for 13 hours from 5 to 6. When the clock hits six, a monster will be released. The team with the most survivors wins and the losing team will face a double elimination!
Push pin: isnt that too harsh.
Blue firey: ya. I agree with tack here.
Merge cube: nah. Youll be fine.
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