My Bio

My Bio

This is about me. I talk about my hobbies, pets, sports and more. I hope we all can be friends.

published on March 22, 20157 reads 2 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 2.

My hobbies

I have very many hobbies I like to share with you. I like to read, art, theater, and sports' activities. I am very athletic. The sports I will only play are volleyball, track, and swim team. You are probably think why I don't play basketball. The reason why I don't play basketball is because when I was in six grade, during the game, I was the dribbler. During that game, when I was dribbling, I tripped and fall. I hurt both my ankle and knee. So I can't play basketball anymore. I only play sports that I think that are easy for me so I don't do the same thing again. So that is why I only play volleyball, track and, swim team.
Now, Let's talk about my likes. :)
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on March 22, 2015