Meeting A Familiar Stranger~ MG2

So, this is a continuation of the first one. Hope you like it, and please tell me what you think in the comments. Any suggestions or anything on the story is welcomed.

published on December 31, 20165 reads 5 readers 4 not completed
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Chapter 2.
The Nightmare Before Winter

The Nightmare Before Winter

        I woke up at midnight, as always, however by an unsettling noise. Everything that happens floods back into your mind while you are in your bed. You are just too tired to do anything now, so you go back to sleep. You wake up with to the unsettling noise, again. Since you don't want to wake up early again from that sound, you go investigate. You stay in your pjs and go to FM's room. You poke your head through the doorway to find him sleeping peacefully. You go out of the room and go through the other rooms. When nothing is out of place, you go back into your room. When you enter, you notice something is wrong. You sat alert, and move around the room silently. You saw something move out of the corner of your eye, and you hide in the shadows. Your eyes adjust to the dark, and saw something horrid. In the mirror, where you are standing, in your place, is you, but evil. You just stare into it's eyes, just really wishing that it's not real. It jumps up at you, making you scream. Everything goes black.

        You open your eyes to a new day, having to be very tired. You got out of bed and splashed water onto your face. You eat breakfast, showered, brushed your teeth, combed your hair, and changed into a white shirt, midnight blue jacket, black jeans and black boots. You zip up your jacket, make sure you have your necklace and shouted for Full Moon. He comes downstairs, dressed in his winter clothes and jumped down from 3 stair steps to the ground. "Let's go," he said and you nod your head yes. You open the door, into a world with freezing temperatures, yet such breathtaking beauty. You walk out slowly outside, careful not to slip. Once the cold air strikes you, you sees a flash and winced. You see... A girl with a ring of black flames surrounding her, making her cough, being gently pulled by her death. You see another flash, and feel someone shaking you gently.

        You tilt your head towards the figure, and adjust your eyes to the stinging light behind them. Full Moon was shaking you, then slowly stopping. He sees you are awake and hugs you. "What happened," you asked, and he replied that the cold air made you jerk backwards and accidently tripping over something. He helped you up, making sure you won't slip or trip. "What is that? Did you anything," you asked. "No, why would you think that? I think it's something for you, it has an L on it," he replied. You pick up the mysterious thing and look closer. It's a small box wrapped in black cloth covered in white dots, tied with a white bow. There was a small slip of paper taped to the front of the gift, with a written letter. It's bold and crazy fancy, probably typed, and it was the letter L. You look at Full Moon with a questioning look, and he puts his hand on your shoulder. You carefully untied the bow, and open the black cloth. You open the box, and stare into the item inside. You can't speak, move, you can't hear anything. You feel like time itself is stopping.
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Comments (4)

Wait. Is this the exact character you gave me for lunar tale?
on August 31, 2017
on June 25, 2017
on December 31, 2016
on December 31, 2016