The Teenage Rebel

The Teenage Rebel

Name is Camel, yeah I know weird name right? Blame the parents not me. I'm only 14, and a freshman. Little bratty I got to admit, but hey what else would you expect from a girl who lives my life? Although, I'm not describing my appearance, just imagine the prettiest girl you ever saw and make her...prettier. Anyway, you want to know my story? Read.

published on June 22, 20157 reads 6 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 9.


"YOU DRENCHED MY SHIRT!" Drake yelled chasing after me as I left the cafeteria, all the shock washed away. "Well, I warned you to stay out of it... So in reality, this is really your fault only." "I have about 4 other classes to attend to! You are getting me a new shirt!" "How in the world do you think I would get it... oh, I have an idea.."

"I am not wearing a pink polo shirt! Forget about it!" "What?! it's my gym clothes... that I dyed pink. It's not that bad..didn't pink use to be a boy color?" "Yeah, back when 'trousers' were in so we can all tell about their 'decent' fashion trend at the time." "Don't worry you don't look THAT bad... I think." "If you laugh Camel I swear, I will kill you." "Awhh how sweet, our first death vows, okay so lets cut the crap and save the other indecent vows for tomorrow shall we?" " Why not now? You bratty little-" he cursed and cursed. Didn't think you would like to hear that... yeah, your welcome young viewers!

Anyways... After school, when we arrived home, I was determined to speak with dad to create a compromise. I stayed up a little late after finishing homework and skipping dinner. Dad should usually be home at 1... Hmm.. Anyways, mom came back to pick up some of her stuff, visiting her ' dad' for the week. So, no mom week wooot! I glanced at the clock again.. 1:49?!? Why isn't he home yet?

2:15 ughh I have school geez.. Maybe one little nap wouldn't hurt...

3:46 huh?! Who the hell knocks at 3 in the morning?! Ughhhhh

Just as I opened the door full of drowsiness, there were some blue and red things.. " Um excuse me, may I speak with your Gaurdian?" "Erm" I rubbed my eyes and shouted " Mom!" Several times Untill I got a response. I heard my mom's loud grumpy foot steps and then.. " What!! What is it?! It better be important or you can kiss your phone good bye!" "Um.. Miss. Your husband was found dead from a car accident."

"WHAT?! No! You must have the wrong guy!" "Um madam, your husband rode a black BMW convertible correct? Ray A. Stanton?" A weak nod " then yes, it is him, I'm very sorry for you and your families's loss, your husband seemed to have a severe head injury.The other driver survived and had been reported for being drunk and driving. The driver admitted to being careless, taking legal liability for what occurred. You can file a court trial if you wish" The police offer spoke in controlled calm, obviously with practice. "No... No... He can't be dead.. He .. He can't .. He's my everything... He can't.."  But he did....I stared at my mom shocked, as I watched her broke down.
I stood still, lost in my thoughts. He was never there for me anyways ... Never attended my dance recitals, never accompanied mine or my brother on High school registrations. Never saw me in my sparkly dresses for my first date, my first dance! Heck! He even missed my 8th grade graduation! It was almost as if he was already dead for most of my life! Aside from the gifts and visits I barley saw him each week ... Maybe I'm just being crazy I mean, he's my dad ... And maybe the only reason mom puts up with us each day... kill me for saying this but, I felt little to no sorrow of this news. Despite the fact that he gave me and my brothers shelter and food... he was never really there to be much of a father figure. As much as I hate to say this but I'd probably be more emotionally effected if it was my mom who got in a car accident. My thoughts were interrupted by the loud screeching of my mom's grief.
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Comments (2)

Good story
Thank you! It's still developing, but I'm glad you liked it so far!:D
on January 11, 2016
on July 09, 2015