Another Empty Socket!

Another Empty Socket!

this is a little horror story I wrote in my free time! I hope you enjoy it!

published on March 02, 202028 reads 3 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Who Are You?

He is rudely awakened by his english teacher hitting her ruler on James’s desk! The teacher says “Jane wake up!” James puts his head up and says “ma’am you know that’s not my name!” his teacher walks back to her desk and starts to type something into her computer! James gets through the rest of his classes smoothly and walks back to the bus after school! On the bus he plugs up his ipod and puts his playlist on shuffle! The song that comes on is broken by Isak Danielson the songs shuffle through as the bus moves!

When it’s his turn to get off James grabs his backpack and walks off the bus! James walks back to where the bus had picked him up that morning and turns on one of his creepypasta audios! He flips through the audios until he finds the story of Ben Drowned! He plays the audio and puts his ipod in his pocket! He starts to walk back to his house! He gets to the woods and the audio stops! He begins to hear a faint static! He walks into the forest and spots a new note that wasn’t there a few days ago! He decides to take the note thinking it was a harmless prank!

He turns around to walk out of the forest but he is blocked by a teenage girl with long brown hair and a clock for her left eye! Her right eye is a vivid green! She has this cut smile that had been sewn shut! She has a kitchen knife in one of her hands. She says “your time is up!” she lunges at James with full force! James dodges her swift handed attack by the tip of a hair! He runs out of the forest and far away from it! James turns on his music to full volume in attempt to process what had just happened!

As he walks he hears very faint mumbled footsteps behind him which causes him to stop! He pulls his headphones off his ears and turns around! All that stands behind him is a few leaves that are being pushed by the wind! James sighs and pulls his headphones back up to his ears then continues walking! He continues to hear footsteps but he ignores them because he is almost home! As he is walking he feels someone put their hand on his shoulder! He swallows hard and turns around! Standing behind him is Alex! Alex says “look James i’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!” James smiles and says “it’s fine!” James gets an idea and asks “hey wanna come to my house?” Alex smiles and says “sure!” they both begin to walk towards the taller boys house!

When they arrive James opens the large wooden front door and yells “MOM I’M HOME!” no answer! James turns to face Alex and says “come in i’ll show you my room!” both boys walk up to the darkly painted red door! James opens it to reveal a dimly lit bedroom with a black bed and a dark wooden desk! Both boys enter the dark room and James turns on the light! Alex opens the closet door and...end of chapter three
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