A Reapers Love

A Reapers Love

This is just if I was a creepypasta . In this story, you'll call me Reaper. My saying is: "We're all the same in the eyes of a reaper.". I use a knife and a .45(a gun). I will eventually fall for someone.

published on September 22, 20197 reads 2 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Chapter 3

After we all got done laughing, Ms. Quill started to have a violent coughing fit. I rushed to her side, and grabbed a small glass vial and handed it to her. She took it and drank it. "What was that? Is she ok?" Toby asked. "Yeah, she's fine. She has coughing fits like that at random times. What I gave her was the medicine that helps stop it." I explained. The first time that happened, I nearly had a heart attack. Sally came in with Lazari, both in play dresses and play jewelry. They came up to me and said, "You are officially invited to our tea party. Will you accept or decline?". I thought for a moment and said, "I accept". "Come with us." Sally said. We got to Lazari's room. Inside waiting for us was a small table with little chairs and a plastic tea pot and tea cups rested on the table. They led me to a chair and sat me down. They poured pretend tea into my cup. I raised the cup to my lips and raised my pinky. "So, will Madam Quill be ok?" Lazari asked. "Yes, Lazzy, she will." I responded. Slenderman walked in and asked, "Reaper, did you have a little sister?". "Yes, I did. I had two. But, when my house was burned, they perished." I responded, looking a little sad. Sally and Lazari hugged me and said, "We'll be your new little sisters.". I hugged them back and thanked them. We finished our tea party and they led me back downstairs. I went out for a walk. Bad memories flooded back to me, and I needed to clear my head.

I was walking for about 5 minutes then, I bumped into someone. "Are you ok?" I heard a quite voice ask. I looked up to see Ej."Oh! Hey Ej. Yeah, I'm ok. Just had to clear my head. What are you doing out here?" I asked. "I was just talking to Zalgo. I'm one of the team medics, so I was just discussing supplies." He explained. "Oh. I see." I responded. "I'll walk back to the mansion with you." Ej offered. I merely nodded and we walked in silence. We got to the door, and I reached for the handle. But a hand stopped me. Ej's hand to be exact. "Are you ok? When I bumped into you, and when you looked up, in your eyes, I saw sadness." Ej explained. I just nodded and said, "Yeah. Just bad memories". We walked back inside and Slender was holding a family meeting. "Zalgo is hosting a ball at hos castle to celebrate not only our new alliance, but also our new member, Reaper. Tomorrow, both girls and boys will go and get outfits. The ball is in 3 days. If you wanna ask someone to be your date, you'll need to do it quickly. All the girls will get their dresses together. The boys will get their suits and ties together as well. That's all, continue with your day." he announced.

I felt someone looking at me. I turned my head and looked at Ej, who was beside me. It was the first time I saw him without his mask. He had no eyes, obviously. He had gray skin, and sharp teeth. As soon as he saw me looking me, he turned, a red tint on his face. Jane and Clockwork walked up to me. "I'm pretty excited. Maybe I can ruin Jeffs suit." Jane said. "Yeah, it's pretty cool", Clockwork agreed. "Jane, you're n-not wearing black to this ball." I said. "I didn't plan to. For me, I'm thinking a red dress. For Clockwork, I'm thinking green. And for you Reaper, I'm thinking dark blue or light purple." Jane replied. I started to imagine the night. When I imagined Ej in a suit, I blushed. I'm not sure why. I explained this to Jane and she and Clockwork looked at each other and saying in a sing songing voice, "You liiiikeee hiim". I blushed even more and said, "No! Shut up!" I ecxclaimed.

There was no way that I liked EJ, right?
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