Twisted: Shadow X Reader

Another thing that I wrote a long time ago. This story includes: friend-turned-foe, time travel, and of course self-insert.

published on January 09, 201887 reads 33 readers 1 not completed
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Twisted: Shadow X Reader
Chapter 3.


The chill of the morning air seeped through the land as the sun rose from its sleep bringing about a new day to the Green Hill Zone. But something was different about this morning; everything seemed to have put into slow motion. The sun has been in the exact same place for several hours now and a little yellow fox was hard at work to figure out why. Time just, for some reason, came to a complete stop. Tails wondered. Could it be the works of Eggman again? Tails just continued typing his way through the Mobian database on his computer hoping to possibly find an answer.


Sunlight shining through dusty windows had waked you early this morning. Your senses slowly came back to you, along with the eventful memories of what happened last night. You shuffled your way out of your make-shift bed and crept over to peek at the sleeping creature that occupied your bed. That reminded you that you needed to go to the market to trade for some healing medicine. And maybe some breakfast as well, you thought. You then grabbed your satchel and put a few furs and a dozen of wild chicken eggs that you found; you glanced back at the sable animal then you turned and closed the door behind you.
After about a ten-minute walk you arrived at the small marketplace and saw only a handful of people out this morning. But you could understand since it was still messy outside because of all the rain lately. Luckily this morning was warm and showing promise of bright days ahead. You got down to business and made your needed trades and got a few biscuits and a nice piece of ham for breakfast as well. Then as you were finishing your last trade a thought came to your mind; what if the creature woke up before you got back? This made you worry and you were now in a hurry to get back to your little home. Please still be asleep, you thought as you quickly made your way back down the path, away from the village. Your handmade boots were sinking in the mud in some parts of the path causing your short trip to take longer than needed, but you finally made it back only to see movement in one of the windows. You froze in shock and in fear. The creature was now awake, what would he do when you walked in? You managed to build up the courage to walk in to your own house. When you did the both of you froze in your tracks.
Now in the daylight you could see the full extent of his injuries. He had one hand leaning on the table and the other over his abdomen and his whole demeanor told you that he was in pain.
“How did I get here?” he asked in a hoarse voice. This surprised you even more, this animal…can talk?! But you had to ignore your astonishment and answer back. “I-I found you out in the woods, and you were hurt so…” you motioned around your one-room house. Then you added; “I went to the market to get you some bandages and medicine for your burns and-“
“I don’t need any help.” He interrupted and began heading toward the door but stopped short when a sharp pain shook through his body almost causing him to fall over. You went over to him cautiously but slowed a bit when he gave you a glare; as if saying ‘don’t touch me’.
“Just let me take care of those burns, ok?” you said with a pleading look. He said nothing but looked away in defeat; so, you kneeled to his level to treat his wounds. You first got a damp cloth to try to wash any dirt from the abrasions. He flinched at the touch and slight stinging but bore through it. Then you got out the healing ointment and gently applied it to the worst of the burns then whatever you had left you applied to the minor ones. You got out the bandages and began wrapping them around his torso. In the awkward silence you glanced up at his face to see any emotion, but it seemed rather blank, but you could detect something else. Thoughtfulness? Sadness? You tried to ignore it, so you asked a question: “So, what’s your name?” He hesitated, but answered “Shadow.”
“Well my name’s ___, and you’re all bandaged up and good to go.” You said in a cheery voice. “Yeah, thanks.” He said it like it was no big deal. Then you remembered the breakfast that you got and went over to your satchel and handed Shadow his half. “What’s this?” he asked looking doubtfully at the food in his hands.
“Its breakfast, but you don’t have to eat if you don’t want to.” You said. He just shrugged his shoulders and eats the ham biscuit slowly. You smiled and began to eat your share. For the first time, in a long time, you were sharing a morning with someone, and possibly a new friend.
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Comments (1)

that’s so sweet
on March 20, 2020