Gossip from Main street

Emma and her best friends/neighbors Lilly and Willow start a blog about gossip from Main street. Though since it is a secret who the authors are, Emma, Lilly, and Willow all sign the name "Blogging bloggers.

published on August 10, 20151 read 1 reader 0 not completed
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Chapter 2.

Boys get revenge.

"Dudes we need to get revenge on Emma!" Boy 1 said. "And I Have just the plan."

Dear dudes of Main street,

The mystery of who the Blogging Blogger is solved. It's Emma Roberts from Main street. She was the liar who lied about us 3 boys SHE is the one gossips hurtful things SHE is the Blogging Blogger! She also Spies on people for gossip.


3 Blogging Boys.
omgitsme: Emma wouldn't lie. I know her.
3bloggingboys: But she did. She's also the blogging blogger
thebloggingblogger: Actually My name is Violet. Not Emma.
omgitsme: Told you 3 boring boys
3bloggingboys: But It's really Emma!
thebloggingblogger: do you mean its really Violet.
3bloggingboys: This Blog will be deleted.
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