the night (1)

Its a good story about one scary night with mixed up scary characters all in one night

published on March 30, 201512 reads 4 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.

round two

Rex ran out the door but he looked back at slenderman and saw something in slendermans jacket something something really shiny and it was a silver ball and a note

           Dear little rex,

     If your reading thos you won your first fight but your wandering whats the little shinny ball its a spirit there will be one on every creature you will need them to make the great spirit

                                                                                                  Your doom

And then both the freddys came through the wall fighting freddy fozbear clawed freddy crougar then freddy crougar stuck his hand in fozbears chest and practicality shattered fozbears endoskelliton then freddy crougar turned on rex so rex through his sword in freddys chest then rex took the two silver balls and his sword back and took freddys hand
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