The Boss and the Demigod [Sephy x Amy]

The Boss and the Demigod [Sephy x Amy]

Amy, Daughter of Hades, feels broken after her brother's death. A member of a band invites her to stay with him while she recuperates. Hilarity and dorkiness ensues.

published on March 10, 2016not completed


        Amy woke to banging sounds, not sure where they came from. She rubbed her head, then her eyes, and stretched. "What the..?" As she swung out of bed and walked to the dresser, she thought about the things she'd looked at the night before on the internet, and smiled before starting to brush her long hair. She'd used the computer on the desk to her left to search things about the band, particularly her new roommate. Now she was armed with information, ready to blow him to pieces. "Get ready Sephy. I'm about to take apart your story bit by- OH MY GODS WILL THAT RACKET EVER STOP!" Her face twisted into a scowl. "Stupid, stupid, stupid, annoying little wimp, gonna kill him gonna kill him gonna kill him..."
        She continued muttering while she put on a fresh black tank top and jeans, and only stopped when she flew down into what she assumed was a kitchen. Sephy was waist-deep in a large wooden - 'Probably oak,' Amy thought - cabinet, tossing pots and pans out behind him. She could hear him murmuring something under his breath, though what it was she couldn't tell. His silver hair puffed out above his rear, a laughable sight.
        "So...what the hell are you doing dude?" asked the dark-haired teen. The other was visibly startled and immediately tried to straighten, however he was still inside the cabinet and so hit his head fairly hard.
        "OW!" he shouted as he pulled himself out and onto the floor. He glared up at her, his catlike eyes narrowed. "Never," he placed emphasis on the word, "ever do that again. You do and you'll find yourself on the streets of Olympus."
        She put her hands up in mock defense. "Woah, sorry there buddy. Didn't know you cared so much about dirtying your kitchen." Now she gestured to the assorted cooking tools scattered about.
        "Hmph." He rubbed his head, mussing up his hair into a mass of tangles as he did so. Amy noticed it was kind of cute. "Why are you here so early?"
        "Why were you throwing stuff?"
        "I'm an early riser."
        "I lost my sword."
        " lost...your sword..." Amy's face turned to one of sassy skepticism, her lips pursed and eyebrows raised. "And I assume you have a large collection of swords under your sink?"
        "Yeah, actually."
        She shook her head in disbelief. "Crazy. Just crazy. But anyway, I've got some stuff to ask and/or tell you so...sit down, will ya?"
        "...sure..." Sephy replied slowly, and he hopped onto a counter. Amy ascended one across him. "So..."
        The two sat in silence for a bit. " gonna tell me stuff or..?"
        "Shut up, I'm trying to get my thoughts together." She frowned, then closed her eyes and nodded. "Okay."
        "Last night I looked up your little band and each one of the members. Every one of you is supposedly some villain from a video game. You yourself are supposed to be Sephiroth from Final Fantasy. Thing is, you don't act like him at all. Sure, you kinda look like him, but you're way to short and wimpy."
        "Okay, yeah I'm short but winpy-"
        "Let me talk." She cleared her throat. "After researching your friends, I can tell they all are a whole lot like their characters and probably are them, if the Greek and Roman gods are real and gave you a castle in the sky for some reason. None of them are actually wearing costumes unless you count their clothes, which I don't. By costumes I mean their hair, skin, and stuff like that. It's all real, so I think it's safe to assume they're the real deal, don't you? But you, you're just not Sephiroth. You don't even use the amount of shampoo and conditioner he apparently does. So why not? Are you some kind of fake? Or a bad copy made out of..." She looked down at her hand, on which she'd written a few important terms. "Jenova cells..?"
        Sephy was silent for a while, his expression one of shock. Then he started to laugh. "Unbelievable. Unbelievable, you figured me out that quick! Man, you're smart! Witty too, I picked right!" He hooted with laughter, holding his sides. The girl cleared her throat again, causing him to wind down. "Okay okay, so...what do you want again?"
        "I want to know why you're acting so OOC."
        He leaned back. "Well it's basically reincarnation and adaptation."
        "Sephiroth died, right? Well, I'm his reincarnation. And I adapted to whatever this world is supposed to be."
        Amy put her hands up. "As crazy as that is I guess I believe it. But what do you mean by "I picked right"? That sounds creepy."
        "'s kinda complicated...and a long story..."
        "We have time."
        He shrugged. "Alright then, here goes...

        "Before his fall from grace, Sephiroth was an esteemed member of SOLDIER, 1st Class. He had two friends, whom he was very close with. Their names were Genesis Rhapsodos and Angeal Hewley. But Angeal had a younger sister, a kind woman named Amygna. She had grown up as a member of SOLDIER with her brother, and trained to the point where she was also 1st Class. Yet very few knew of her, as those in charge were sexist jerks who were somehow ashamed to have a woman in their ranks. This was not the only difference between her and other SOLDIERs; she had had far less exposure to Mako and was born with almost no Jenova cells. Because of those, her abilities were inferior to others, and few and far between. She had only two: The power of flight, as did the other three, though none knew for a long time, not even herself; and the ability to sense the locations of certain people at times. Often, she would spar with her friends, though sometimes she would watch them bicker and train on her own. She was...capable, of using a sword, but would rather weild a pair of weapons without a name: strange metal rods with odd-shaped baubles on one end of each, that would slide together and become convenient to carry. During missions she would often go alone or with her brother; the two were as close as any siblings could be.
       " Genesis' degradation took its toll on her, and also really pissed her off, and the others could see it no matter how she tried to hide it. She would miss the redheaded hero, even his spontaneous recitings of LOVELESS. When Angeal disappeared as well, she completely went against orders and went to find him herself. Eventually there was a stand-off, Genesis, Angeal and Zack in one place with the scientist Hojo. Amygna quickly reached the building, shouting at her friends to stop from accross a wide stretch of empty space, a long fall. She lunged accross, hoping to stop them. Angeal and Genesis went to catch her, hovering above the abyss. She only said "I love you, both of you," before two black wings unfurled behind her and they dropped her in surprise. She fell, not even trying to catch herself, and was assumed dead in official reports. The news devastated the two, as well as Zack and Sephiroth when he found out. A few years after, Sephiroth returned to kill President Shinra. Near that time a group of travellers led by a young man named Cloud Strife discovered her in a coma-like state in Professor Hojo's laboratory. Quickly, they woke her by dropping a bookshelf onto her (which crushed her leg in the process), and after trading stories she swore she would repay the debt she owed for being freed. The woman joined the party, but only for a small while, for they were caught and held in captivity. She was placed seperate from the others, and that night, while on his killing rampage, Sephiroth found her and took her with him.

        "I don't know much of what happened after that except both ended up dead in the end."
        "Well that was anticlimactic Sephy." Amy crossed her arms.
        "Well I don't remember the rest!" He huffed. "I really only remember that much because of the internet. I dunno how to jog the rest of my memory."
        "We're gonna have to work on that then. Anyway, so...I guess you think I'm this lady's reincarnation? But why?"
        "For starters, you look a lot like she did. And you have the same name, according to Thunderpants."
        "You shouldn't call the Lord of the Sky 'Thunderpants.' He might get mad and kill you."
        The ravenette shook her head. "You're hopeless. do you know she really existed? There's no mention of her online or in the game."
        Sephy bowed his head. "I can't be completely sure. I just have this feeling..."
        "But why?"
        His gaze snapped to meet with hers, sending a shiver down her spine. "Because all of those memories are fuzzy, like dreams, except her...she's always crystal clear."
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Comments (23)

No Problem! I'll be looking forward to seeing you improve further as well as make more works!
Thanks! ?
About Author
on March 22, 2016
About Author
on March 22, 2016
Eli is maximum level of Chode rn
I just want him to leave me alone.
Thanks : )
About Author
on March 22, 2016
Yeah well! Just keep writing, and don't mind him.
About Author
on March 22, 2016
About Author
on March 22, 2016
About Author
on March 22, 2016
What made you think this was a good idea?

I mean, it's literate, I guess but just, why?
Hey, um, could you tell me some of the run-on sentences? If they're from the point when Amy is thinking, that's just her thought process, but I have a feeling there are others.
Yeah, I'll PM you in just a sec.
About Author
on March 22, 2016
Also! Do you have any way to PM you? I have to ask you a question, but I don't really want it in the open for CERTAIN people to see.
About Author
on March 22, 2016
About Author
on March 22, 2016
Yeah. I usually don't take those to heart, as they aren't giving any valid reasons to criticism.
About Author
on March 22, 2016
I am ehen there's actually specific things a person says are wrong. Unlike when someone (cough eli cough) says to write better.
About Author
on March 22, 2016
Alright. I'll write the list shortly. I'm glad you're willing to take criticism.
About Author
on March 22, 2016
Okay, thanks! I'm making a second chapter right now so I'd like to try and fix things...
About Author
on March 22, 2016
I'm a bit busy right now. But when I have to chance, I'll read through them and compile a list.
About Author
on March 22, 2016
About Author
on March 22, 2016
Um...I thought it'd be fun?
I swear to God if you're Eli...
I don't really care at this point.
About Author
on March 22, 2016
Actually your talking to Jayce this is me Eli
About Author
on March 22, 2016
Okay, thanks!

But technically, this is really a different character who's just a flirty version of Sephiroth. Someone apparently thought it'd be funny.
About Author
on March 22, 2016
Alright. That's fair enough. I understand. Though, I do recommend you break your habit of run on sentences, I'd proofread alot and look for mistakes or repetition to make your stories more clean.

I'd also recommend in a kind advice that you be careful on which characters you write about without knowledge, as there's alot of people that would be very insulted See More
About Author
on March 22, 2016
Eli's this guy I know who's hell-bent on messing with my head.

I'm sorry it's bad, I'm kinda new at writing and I mostly just wanted to get it done so I could do other things. But see, run-on sentences are something I do a lot and it's kind of a habit...
About Author
on March 22, 2016
Eli? I'm not entirely sure who that is? I'm guessing someone else who complains about these stories?

Overall, I'm not trying to be too rude. My constructive criticism is that it's very poorly written overall, tons of run on sentences and repetition in words, and though I can't fault the Sephiroth being OOC due to it not being the actual character Sephiroth, See More
About Author
on March 22, 2016
About Author
on March 22, 2016
About Author
on March 22, 2016