Me and My Childhood Friends

Me and My Childhood Friends

Wanna hear about my childhood friends? Well, here you go. You might just see them in one of my future stories.

published on January 11, 201523 reads 6 readers 1 completed
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Chapter 3.
Leah the Hedgehog

Leah the Hedgehog

Species: Hedgehog
Power(s): Fire, teleportation, time travel, super speed,chaos control, and telekinisis
Ability: Gymnastics, fighting skills, and firearms
Fav Color: Red and Black
Fav Music: Rock
Crush: Shadow and Knuckles
Info: She grew up in the bad part of town. She's the bad@$$ one in the group. She has a criminal record for robbery, theft, and murder. (It was on accident! Give her a break) She met Ezra in 5th grade and they were insepratable.
Current Location: In jail
Nickname: LeLe
Weapon: Her fists and guns
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Comments (1)

Say I if you love the title picture :D
on January 11, 2015