Ask/Dare my OCs (ft. Me and Parker)

Ask/Dare my OCs (ft. Me and Parker)

You read that right, you guys get to ask, or dare my OCs or me and Parker ourselves! ^^ to submit a question/dare, just message it to me privately, or post it in the comments! ^^ have fun.

published on October 14, 20230 reads 0 readers 0 not completed


Hello and welcome. Anyways this is kind of like a Q&A with my characters  (which are in my other book for your reference if you need my characters names). I'm making Parker participate too with me because they should loosen up lol since you can even ask us questions too.

Parker: Do I have to do this-
Me: Yes, now shut up.
Parker: Whatever you do, please spare me guys-
Me: Stop trying to bribe them-
Parker: Fine fine- anyways I guess we shall wait for this to begin-
Me: Yup- bai see u when a dare or question comes along lol
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