Ava in the Wonderland war

Ava in the Wonderland war

Ava was a normal girl beside the fact that her and her friends ancestors were characters from the story 'Alice in Wonderland'. Ava and her friends started to hear voices in there heads. Curious about this Ava started looking up what could be happening to them. Ava does not find information about this and starts to head home. As she his heading home she loses Control of her body heading to a hole. She inspeacts the hole but slips and falls through a hole in the ground. Where will this lead Ava and will she ever see her friends again?

published on June 11, 201521 reads 12 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 3.

New people

        I rolled my eyes at his comment and started walking to the door. Pulling the key out of my pocket I walked up to the door and again I put the key in the lock. Twisting the key we all heard the same click when I unlocked the door the first time. I pushed the door open and seen a bright burning light that shined through the door. As we all walked through there was a shocking scene in front of us when we walked through the door.

        Everythig was burned down ,and covered in blood. I was frozen in fear. This is not the Wonderland that I knew of ,while growing up! What is this?! What has happened to Wonderland?! I felt a hand on my sholder and I quickly turned around to see Devin with a worried look on his face. What was I suppose to say? 'I am sorry I brought all of you into this.' No I can not do that. I do not even know what is happening. I felt his hand on my cheak and his thumb brush against it. What I did not realize was that I was crying. Why would I be crying? I guess it is because the child hood storie that I grew up to know was not true! I mean when you walk threw the door and see that where the grass was suppose to be was dirt ,trees with no leaves that looked like they were burned down ,the sky was black ,sun was just a little dot ,and the moon that showed was blood red no one would know what to do after seeing all of this.

"Ava everything will be okay. It is just a little different from our childhood story."(Devin)
"How can you be so calm about this! Every thing we grew up to know was a lie!"(me)
"Well maybe there was a reason behind all of this."(Cody)
Then I heard someone clear their throught. I turned around to see something that was horrifying. It was a dwarf looking man with half of its body turned into a skeleton and the other half was skin that was falling off. He wore a torn tail coat and had a back-pack on his back.
"Are you Miss. Alice?"(He said looking at me)
"I am one of her ancestors. My name is Ava Liddell."(me)
"Well then you will need this my lady and my name lady Ava is Harrold."(He said handing me a small diary)
"Thank you but what is it?"(me)
"Well my dear Ava it is a diary created by Alexia ,Alice's great granddaughter."(Harrold)
"Thank you Harrold but can I ask a question?"(Me)
"Yes Lady Ava."(Harrold)
"What exactly are you?"(I said nervously scratching the back of my head)
"Well My Lady I was origanally just a small dwarf that helped the people of Wonderland ,but then there was a war between our people and the queen. I was apart of it and was gravely injured ,as you can see ,but I was saved by our leader ,Alexia. In the process of saving me she died."(Harrold)
"If that's true then how does my mother and I exist?"(Me)
"Alexia had your mother before she came here."(Harrold)
"Harrold is the war what made Wonderland become like this?"(me)
"Yes this was Wonderland ,but now everyone calls this Underland."(Harrold)
"Harrold what do you have in the back-pack."(me)
"Yes I meant to give this to you." he said pulling out six black cloaks "You must wear these cloaks around the queen of hearts."
I heard what seamed like holves hitting the ground and it was coming to use.
"Hurry and put these on I must be going."(Harrold)"But no matter what you do stay on the path."
We all did as Harrold said. The cloaks were warm and comfortable. I put the hood on and looked up to see that Harrold was gone.

        I looked back at everyone and they all had a cloak on. I stared walking forward as Knight showed up I was scared for a bit but they soon left acting like we were not there.
"Hey Ava?"(Devin)
"I have been meaning to ask you something."(Devin)
"And what would that be my dear hatter."(me)
"Can I have my had back?"(Devin said holding out his hand wanting his hat)
An anime sweat drop appeared on the back of my head and I took off his had and handed it to him.
"Sorry I forgot I had it on."(me)
He look the hood of his cloak off and put his hat back on. He then placed a hand on my head.
"So now what do we do?"(Hale)
"The only thing we can do."(me)
"And what would that be miss 'I know everything about Wonderland' or should I say Underland."(Cody)
"Well first we have to find out where the bloody hell to go!"(me)
"Just calm down. We are already on a path lets just follow it and see where it leads us."(Diana)
"Yeah I guess your right."(me)

        We started venturing on the path small animals were scurrying around the place leaving small prints on the ground. Then out of no where two boys ,that looked identical to each other, popped out. They had brown hair and wore matching outfits. Their cloths were dirty and torn. They slowly walked up to us with a soft smile on their faces. I looked back at my friends and they we not so sure about the young boys. While curiosity got the best of me and I started to approach the young men.

"You're Ava right?"(boy 1)
I nodded and both the boys smile widened.
"Good thing we found you. I'm Tweedle Dum and this is Tweedle Dee. Just call us Dum and Dee for short."(Dum)
"Okay Dee and Dum how do you know me?"(me)
"Harold told us about you all. He also said that we could find you on this path."(Dee)
"Okay so why are here?"(Hale)
"Well mister rabbit we are here to give Ava her grandmother's ,Alexia, diary."(Dum)
"My grandmother's diary?"(me)
"Yes while Alexia was here she made a diary. No one really knows what's in it."(Dee)
"So why are you giving it to her?"(Ruby)
"Yeah how come we don't get a diary?"(Cody)
"Are you just jealous because I got a diary and you did not?"(I said smirking)
"Okay children be quiet and let the twins speak."(Hale)
"Yes sir."(Cody and I)
Dee handed me Alexia's diary and they both started to leave before stopping.
"What ever you do do not stray from the path."(both Dee and Dum)
"Anyway..."(Cody and Ruby)
"Well Ava what's in the diary?"(Devin)
"Well if you would be quiet and let me open it we would find out what was in it now wouldn't we."(me)

        I examined the diary carfully. It was old and was ripped up. From just looking at the side I could see that the paper which was once snow white had turned into a faded yellow color. I turned around and looked up at my curiouse friends. Sighing I looked back down at the diary and slowly opened it. Beautiful cursive hand writing was on the page. I looked up at the bottom of my page to see my 'Alexia Liddell' written on it. Having known now that this is her actual diary I looked back up at the top and started to read the beautiful hand writing. Just from reading this first page I could tell this is going to be one hell of a ride.

Authors note: Sorry this chapter is short but I did not really have any good ideas for this chapter since I have not wrote for a long time.
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Comments (2)

Oh my god, you are awesome at this story.
on January 03, 2016
on December 30, 2015