
PENUMBRA is a Reaper, like generations before her - but her true calling is to the Light. AURORA is a Light-Bringer, like all of the rest of her family - but she can't help but feel the pull to the Dark. PENUMBRA has just escaped her family's fortress, with the ultimate goal of becoming a Light-Bringer. AURORA has just run away from her family's castle, aiming to become a Reaper. When Penumbra meets Aurora, the impossible happens - the two fall in love. But which side will prevail?

published on June 19, 201815 reads 5 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Chapter 3

        Penumbra enters the building - a gas station. She'd been extensively researching the mortal realm in the months leading up to her escape. She doesn't have any money, but she looks around anyway.
        As she's walking around the shelves, she spots a girl - about her age.
        They lock eyes.
        Something about this person reminds her of home. The girl radiates darkness.
        Penumbra takes a deep breath. "Hi," she says. Starting conversation - it's normal... right?
        The girl looks at Penumbra warily. "Um... hi."
        "What's your name?" Penumbra asks, her voice shaky. "I'm Penumbra."
        "My name is Aurora," says the girl.
        Aurora gives Penumbra a once-over. For some reason, Penumbra reminds her of home. Light seems to shine out from her.
        "You're not human, are you?" they both say at the same time.
        "No. I'm a Light-Bringer," Aurora whispers. "At least, I used to be. Now, I... I'm not sure. I want to be a Reaper."
        Penumbra swallows. "No kidding? I used to be a Reaper. I want to be a Light-Bringer."
        "Kids!" Penumbra and Aurora startle, and turn.
        The man at the counter of the gas station is looking at them. "If you're not going to buy anything, leave."
        With an uneasy feeling in her stomach, Penumbra realizes that the man has a tattoo of a red flag with a blue "x" on his arm. She remembers that flag from the history books she read. Penumbra glances at Aurora's dark skin, and looks back at the man. She can see the outline of what looks like a gun in the man's pocket.
        "Aurora." Penumbra gently takes Aurora's hand. "We need to leave. Now."
        Aurora nods rapidly.
        With that, the two girls turn and run out of the gas station and into the forest.
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