Facts About Me (1)

It's 50 Random Facts About Me! I got the idea from @Maya_swan! Have fun reading this!

published on December 22, 201619 reads 7 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Favorite Things

21. My favorite color is indigo.

22. My favorite foods are fudge, Granny Smith apples, and blackberries.

23. My favorite animals are kittens, foxes, and deer.

24. My favorite book is Unwind, by Neal Shusterman.

25. My favorite author is Neal Shusterman.

26. My favorite songs are Promiseland, by Mika; Treat You Better, by Shawn Mendes; Our Town, by Niall Horan; and We'll Be The Stars, by Sabrina Carpenter.

27. My favorite movies are Inside Out, The Force Awakens, and Room.

28. My favorite TV shows are Stranger Things, Lost, and The Walking Dead.

29. My favorite video games are Animal Jam and Minecraft.

30. My favorite forms of social media are Instagram and Qfeast.
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Comments (1)

I was going to make a story exactly like this. ?
on December 23, 2016