AU ~ A Puppets Soul

AU ~ A Puppets Soul

In a world there is a killer his name is purple guy. Lets see what happens when the yu boys and yu girls get killed by said killer but then get reincarnated by the Martinets son, Pip. (Yu girls are Yuki, Yusi, Yuli, and Yumi) Btw there will be some story before they get killed. Yuto might be a bit insane after awhile...I SO SORRY MY MOON BOY (Yugioh arc v and FNAF crossover)

published on July 17, 201714 reads 9 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Chapter 3 ~ Time is Now Dark Dragon, Protect Phantom Boy

???? POV
As I watched my keeper walk back to his house I saw how... Bored he was. He had easily defeated Yusi, the keeper of the Dark Star. I wondered how I could cheer him up, then I got it. I should lead him to the center of the dark forest, where the moonpool lays. As I got up from my hiding place I quickly used my shield to hide, thank me for being a dark dragon.
As I saw him start to walk in the opposite direction of the woods I quickly thought of a way to lead him back, by throwing rocks at him. I saw him look around as I hit him with small rocks, each time he went the wrong way, I would throw a rock at him, hard. I felt bad after awhile, lucky he started to go towards the woods. Then I would hit him with rocks when he went in the wrong way, directing him to the moonpool. Once we got there, he just looked around his eyes slightly wide. Then he looked exactly where I was, but then I thought, he can't see me. But when he continued to look at me, I asked. "Can.. You see me..?" I said quietly. He just shook his head yes. Then I smiled, I pulled him into a hug. "H-hey?! What the-" "You can see me, you can see me again!" I said happily.

????? POV
As I walked up to the door step I saw a little light though the peep hole in the door, then I knocked. Nothing happened, but then I heard a loud thump, sound. Then the door opened revealing a pale girl, she had blue and green hair which was red at the tips, and multiple colored eyes. "Hi!" she said happily. "Hi." I said calmly. Or at least as calm a kage puppet could. "So what do ya need?" "Well, I would like to talk to you, if you don't mind." "Oh! I don't mind at all, come in! My name is Rina, Baka Rina!" "Nice to meet you, I'm ######." "Nice to meet you, ######." as I followed Rina though her house, I quietly pulled out my knife, but then Rina turned around. "So- W-what.. The? Why do you have a knife?!" "Night, night." and at that I stabbed Rina in the chest multiple times, then I poured the purple venom on the wound.
As I walked back to the main part of the base I saw my master. "Oh, you're here." I heard him say. "Yup, I killed Rina, and putted her in the room. "Good, you can go for now, but good work, Chimera." "Thank you, master."
Rina POV
All I remembered was being stabbed, but right now I was in a plain dark room. I felt funny, I had this... wired feeling, like I was hungry. But it felt wired to me, when I thought about the normal food I ate, it made me... gag. Then I heard footsteps coming towards me. "Hello." I heard a voice say as it came out of the darkness. "My name is ######. What's yours, little one?" he sounded wired all I could see of him was purple eyes. Glowing purple eyes. "M-my name is Rina, Baka Rina." "Mm, nice to meet you Rina, welcome to your new home." then I heard him say one word. "Murasakino." then I felt pain everywhere, I wanted to hurt someone, but I also didn't. It hurts so much I can't see anything, only purple, only blood. I wanted blood, I needed blood. "Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!" I screamed out in pain. I felt like I was dieing. But then it all stopped. The pain went away. But then I saw the person with purple eyes starring at me, and he was smiling. "Mm, I think you're going to like your new... Job.""W-what.. Job?" I asked I was truly scared. "Well, you're a kage puppet now, in short terms, you are a demon. My demon, I am you master. Got it Rina Baka?" "Yes, master. What do wish for me to do?" this isn't very bad, after all he is my master, right? I am supposed to listen to him. I guess that's why Chimera- sama had to bring me home... Right?
Yuto POV
"W-what do you mean 'you can see me again?" I asked. I had just been lead into the forest by what seemed to be a human version of Dark Rebellion. "Well, when I said that I was really happy. Because before you couldn't see me. I just missed you Yuto.." "Oh? So I could see you before?" "Yeah, but it was a long time ago. What do you think of the moonpool?" Uh. Then I finally looked around myself and looked at where I was. Right now I was in a small clearing in the woods. There were many flowers, which by the look of them i could tell they where dark moon flowers. Then I saw a small pool, it was a moonpool. It look beautiful, and so peaceful. "Its... So beautiful here.. Why did you take me here?" "Well, I thought you would like it here. So I took you here. I'm happy you like it here too.
Later on~~
Right now I was walking home, I had spent quite awhile in the woods with Dark Rebellion. I enjoyed it there. Right now it was 9:30 PM only two hours and a half until I have to get to work. I was going to my house, mainly to get something to drink. Then I would most likely just walk around for awhile and then go to work.
???? POV
As I watched him though my mirror I observed that his emotions can go everywhere, on moment he could happy. The next he could be mad enough to kill some one. I also had sensed that Purple Guy got anther person as his slave... I felt terrible I can't do a thing right now. Nether can the others, oh I wish this all could just end! This all started in 1984! Now its 2017! Its been 34 years.. I just wish we had some of the power. But still its 9:30 PM the boy will be here in 2 hours and 30 minutes. I wonder if Freddy is going to say hi tonight, maybe Foxy will? Mm maybe us all can say hi. No that would be a bit too much for the poor boy.. Heh.
A/N: More Mysteries!! Yay! Yutos night two will start next time! This was a long chapter to me, with all the different pov's and I've been working on a new story Yutos insanity, its a crossover and alternative universe its crossing over with Minecraft diaries!
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