The Secret Cave

The Secret Cave

Its a girl named Miosa that needed to left everything behind beacause her mother forgot to tell their moving. She starts at a new school that ended up bad but it might being a good thing?

published on August 07, 20154 reads 1 reader 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.

Bullied might be good?


* walks around alone *

Bully : HEY, YOU!
Me : Who, me?
Bully : Yes you noob!
Me : Why are you so mean?
Bully : Im not mean! DID YOU SAY MEAN!
Me : I didnt say mean..i meant..i ment...
Bully : I heard what you said!
Me : But i didnt mean it!
Bully : To late now to lie!
* looks at bully coming closer *
Bully : Well... nobody likes the new kids.
Me : How you know?
Bully : Because everyone listens to me and I dont like the new kids.
* gets scared *
Bully : What is it? Are you a little baby?!

* starts to run away *
* sees a little cave *
* hides in the cave *

* turns around *

Me : Is that? No, it cant be! Or can it?!  

Me : It is the Z.....

To find out what Miosa found in the cave, do i need 10 readers for The Secret Cave 2.
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