Good angel

Good angel

This is in Azrail's POV. She is another creepypasta OC I made. I dunno what else to say.

published on August 18, 202113 reads 2 readers 0 completed
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Chapter 3.

Things taking a turn for the worse

But things kept getting worse as months went by.
One day when I came home I walked in on my parents fighting,I didn’t know why they were fighting so I just went to my room and listened to my music.
The next day as I walked down to eat breakfast I saw a note that said Out to get groceries,from dad.
“I guess I won't be eating breakfast today,oh well I wasn’t that hungry anyways.” I thought to myself
After an hour my father entered the door with groceries and said “Hey sweetie could you help me get the groceries?”
“Yes sure dad,but where's mom?” I asked
“Uhm I don’t know she left yesterday after the fight and hasn’t come back…” my dad said
“Oh,well I hope she’ll be back soon!” I said
“Me too.” my dad said
After we got the groceries I asked my dad if I could go outside and he said yes.
When I went to the backyard I climbed up the ladder to my treehouse and when I got up there I started to watch some TV.
After a while I noticed something in the corner of my eye,it was something shiny.
When I turned over I saw that it was a clip that looked like a skull.
I put it on a stand in my tree house and left it there.
At 7:56 P.M I heard the front door slam closed and heard my mother start to yell at my dad.
I left my room through my window and went into my treehouse.
When I entered my treehouse I layed on the bed and fell asleep.
This repeated for 4 months
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