Number 13

Number 13

Genres: Soft horror, Short story, Science fiction Imagine you woke up in a strange place that conducts experiments on humans and just plain abuses them... What would you do? Find out what will happen to Shiro after he wakes up in this place.. Can he escape or will he break down?

published on April 14, 201614 reads 6 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 3.

The past

        ''Hey Satoshi was it?'' Shiro asked the blond headed boy.
''Yeap, that's me'' the boy smirked.
''We're trapped in here for the rest of our lives now aren't we?''
''Yeah.. For now at least, gotta have some hope that we'll make it outta here alive one day. I know we will. I have a little sister i need to take care of, i need to get back to her although by now she probably thinks im dead'' Satoshi smiled faintly as he said that.
''Oh, I'm sorry bro, I'm sure she's okay, I mean at least she isn't stuck in a place like this''.
After Shiro had said that silence fell between the two boys. Only the chatter of the other boys filled the air.

        ''Awh, dude I'm sorry i shouldn't have talked about her, I'm sure you have family you left behind'' says Satoshi as he runs his hands through his fluffy cotton candy like hair.
''No I actually have no one waiting for me not any more anyways.''
''What do you mean by that?''
''I mean i ran away from home about a year back to get away from my responsibilities of being the only son of a noblemen and becoming of age'' Shiro laughed then continued talking.''I'm pathetic, I had everything I could ever want and I ran away because I didn't want to do a dumb marriage interview, I wanted to live you know? I was only 15 at the time and they wanted me to pick a wife already but i was more interested in what the world had to offer me''.
''Woah! You were rich?! Lucky bastard, and i bet the girl you were going to have an interview with was beautiful as well. Dude what the hell is wrong with you?
''Nothing is, anyways what's your story?''
''My story?''.
''Yeah... Like before you were trapped in this hell hole?''.
Satoshi looked down at his hands and lightly smiled. ''Oh, well I grew up in a lovely home with a happy family but once my mother had died giving birth to my younger sister so we lost everything after that and my dad had given up on us so he just left us one day and never came back. I was left to take care of her I tried everything I could do to make us money to survive but we always were in danger of dying in one way or another and one day she gotten mad at me so I left her alone to go for a walk and after that I woke up here. Don't remember nothing else.''

      Shiro was just about to answer when he noticed a boy about 14 years of age waking up and rubbing his eyes. Satoshi turned in the direction Shiro was paying attention to and smiled.
''That's Yuu, he's quite a sleepy head. Morning sleeping beauty!'' Satoshi teased Yuu.
''Oh shut up, it's not like they're better things to do here'' answered the sleepy boy.
''That's true but you could have at least woke up earlier to meet our new cell mate''
''Why? It's not like I should care about a new toy for these messed up freaks''
Satoshi signed, as Yuu tried to go back to sleep.

        ''Sorry about him, he's not always like this, he's just a bit shy I guess. He may look like a cute kid but he bites and he bites hard'' whispered Satoshi.
''what do you mean by that?'' quietly answered Shiro.
''oh nothing'' laughed Satoshi. ''Hey Yuu, don't go back to sleep man come on we were telling each other our story why don't you join us?''
''No, why would I? Leave me alone''.
''Oh okay, sorry''

        ''Sorry again, he probably just doesn't want to talk about it, His past is pretty messed up he was sold by his own mother to the freaks who created this place''. Satoshi looked over at Yuu while quietly saying that to Shiro.
''Really? Damn, poor guy''.
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