I See, I do

I See, I do

My experience as a child. I grew up watching my mum as a hardworking woman . i have followed in the footsteps and have improved on it.

published on March 07, 201321 reads 12 readers 2 completed
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Chapter 3.

dreams come true

Mum was a primary teacher before she started her own businesses.
I was the youngest of five children. She wanted to spend more time with her family.

I grew up wanting to be teacher too.... when the time came for me to go to University, i stayed on what i had seen my mother do, I loved her lifestyle and i wanted the same.

Guess what? I succeeded in becoming a teacher and owning my own group of  nursery schools.!!!!! My dreams indeed came true!
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Comments (2)

Cool! Write more!
on March 17, 2013
Wow! Awesome story! ;)
on March 07, 2013