A Dust Covered Idea Page

This is a temp description that will be added as soon as I get a good idea on what I want to write.

published on March 22, 20162 reads 1 reader 0 not completed
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Chapter 2.


First time planning a plot....so here goes nothing....

Alright, so we are greeted with the intro explaining the world...

The world hit the fan fast, and now it is a medieval landscape with no old world relics in sight.
Introduced to a teenager named Tyler (Original how I keep making this a name) who is being forced to get a job instead of doing his own hobbies. He lives in KönigVille, and he bumps into a guy as he walks through the market who drops a modern day item. Picking this up, he is marked a target by the Underground to take out, or kidnap. He travels to a shop where he applies for a position of work, but gets rejected due to his lack of skills or enthusiasm to work. He heads home where we are introduced to his mother; a somewhat caring, nagging, and loving mother. His father is out on town watch, watching for bandits. We get a deeper look into his hobby life, what he likes to do and such. We examine how he draws in a small leather journal pretty well, but he says it's worthless. We also see some writing, and he explains to himself about his current life. It ends with him being yelled at to go to sleep, and he does so.
Next chapter (Maybe after planning out a single chapter I should start writing it, or just continue planning out the plot. It will be decided later today (03/16/16))
We find Tyler the very next day looking at the item when he awakens. It is a cellular phone similar to an Iphone without a case. He presses the on button, and starts messing around with the device further. He reads off some of the listed apps on the phone, then finds the notes section. Pressing the notes app, he finds a list of different documents noting the town's geology, movement patterns, areas of least protection, and where the most valuable items are located. Revealed he has no friends. He gets sent up to his room where he explores the phone.
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