Project DnP

Project DnP

Pudd: The Fighter who wants to start a new path for himself. He swears to be the best in the world. Damai : Pudd's best friend or "Bro". He's a former fighter as well who wants to start a new life. He a bit of a ladies man and blames Pudd when he doesn't have charm. Not much is known about Dami's skill compared to Pudd's. Yet. When they first get into District's 3 "Burning Flame" school. Their lives from the past and old mix together thanks to Cynthia and Nieya. What awaits them?

published on May 18, 201451 reads 12 readers 16 not completed
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Chapter 19.
The Training Begins!

The Training Begins!

Cover page is Jail Boxing. You know what that means! He's baaaaack!

Coach Tan is in his car driving. "Aye this is fave song. Making my way downtown Walking fast Faces pass And I'm home bound Staring blankly ahead Just making my way Making a way Through the crowd!" he sings. The cars pulls into a parking lot. He gets out the car and looks at the building. "The Big Prison". Coach Tan gets a comical sweat on his forehead. "President Russev should really change these names. Oh well. It's March and time to Coach jail people. Hopefully I live. Really wish "Burning Flame High" wasn't closed though." Mr. Tan complains. Coach Tan walks into the building and is greeted by the Prison's sport conductor. "You must be Mr.Tan! How are you sir?" the conductor say. "A bit nervous" Tan states as he's visibly shaken. "Hehe don't be.  You get to chose who you want to Coach for our Jail Boxing league. Mr. Tan looks around. "All these people they wanna kill me." He nervously say.  He looks over to an old woman "Cept her." Tan points out. The Conductor laughs. "She's here by choice. Perhaps you want to train her son?" he say. Coach Tan walks over to the lady.  

Coach Tan: Hey lady. I'm Coach Tan of the Jail Boxing league. Perhaps your son will be curious about it?

A boy yawns and wakes up. His hair is long and sliver. "Mother. Who are you talking too?" the boy ask. The boy gets excited. "Is it that Country Jail girl! I knew she could't wait for some more Damai!" Damai shouts excited. Coach Tan looks in awe. "Damai!" he yells happily. Damai looks out the cell slowly. "Yup that's exactly what you shouted.......COACH TAN!!!!" Damai runs to the Cell door. Coach Tan gets confused. "Why are you in a dress? Don't tell me the jail rumors are true?" he asks. "It's a long story. Got a minute?" Damai replies.

Back at the Outskirts. Pudd is seen exercising. Push ups and Jumping Jacks. "I wish a Bounty Hunter would face me. I'll make them eat them birds!" Pudd shouts confidently. Back at the jail. Coach Tan shakes his head. "Wow such a story. Don't worry I don't hate you nor Pudd. It's a shame this had to happen. I respect you though. Lying for Pudd safety was very mature of you." Tan admires Damai. "There's more too it. But I won't tell you" Damai speaks to Tan. Coach Tan lets Damai out of the cell. "Can with me. Outside at the court." Coach Tan commands. Damai walks out. Coach Tan pushes him back. "First get an prison outfit or something. Take that dress off!" Tan demands. Damai looks at the dress. "It does needs to be washed. I'll request one ASAP." Damai tells the Coach.

At the court. Damai is wearing a prison outfit with a custom skull where his name tag should be. Coach Tan gets into boxing stance. "Ok show me what you got Damai!". A goth girl waves at Damai from her Cell window and blows him a kiss. Damai smirks. "Is that the girl you was excited about earlier?" Coach Tan ask. "Nope. This is Luanic. I was talking about Keke earlier." Damai laughs. "Ok time to spar!?" Damai gets in boxing position.  "Don't hold back Coach!" Damai shouts. Coach T throws the first punch and Damai dodges it. "Seems like he's going to nail be with a surprise uppercut." Damai thinks. Damai dodges the uppercut he saw coming. "And now the hook should come right into my jaw." Damai thinks.  Coach Tan smirks. "Looks like he reads body moments quite well. But that will be his downfall" he thinks to himself. Coach Tan goes for the right hook and as Damai dodges he nails Damai with the left hand punching him onto the ground. "Ow!" Damai shouts.

Damai: How did you? I thought....
Coach Tan: You spend to much time thinking and not reacting. Nothing wrong with thinking but don't spend the whole fight doing so.
Damai: Looks like I'm not as good as I thought
Tan: You're a skilled fighter. Well you could be. You just need guidance. Your fighting style reeks of rusty-ness
Damai: Haha. That's true. Cooked up in this jail. Could't practice. I also miss my practice buddy.
Tan: Don't worry you'll be fine.
Damai:  *Thumbs Up*
Tan: You should be worry about the girls though. I'm not show if.....all of these girls ....are...."Girls".
Damai: Yeah..learnt that the hard way Coach
Tan: *SHOCKED FACE* You didn't!?
Damai: Just kidding with ya.

As they both laugh. Coach T ask if Damai would want to be in the boxing league for jail. "Warning though. There's Tournaments every 2 weeks and unlike school and there's no gloves. Damai gets up and wipes his outfit. "Sure. I can take a punch.". Damai tells Coach. "Good. Training will be everyday" Coach tells Damai. Damai points to the end of the court. " someone breaking into jail!?" Damai surprised. Coach T turns around. "Wait what!?" From far away. We see a girl traveling at full speed running towards Damai and Coach.

End of Chapter  19.

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Comments (16)

woo this is huge you like writing right?
@Quincy Yes I do.
@TheGmGoken So do i
on November 06, 2014
on November 01, 2014
on October 04, 2014
O god! This is getting so epic!!!! I just can't wait for the next chapter!!!!DX I'm jumping up and down on my seat!!!
@SwiftElementTheDarkWolf Nice to see you excited xD. I think the story improved greatly in terms of writing? What you think?
on July 27, 2014
on July 05, 2014
This is sick bro! :)
~RyuuseiBlizzard from youtube
on June 08, 2014
Asome cool good intreasting!
@Matlen Thanks! What you think of the recent chapters?
on July 27, 2014
on June 05, 2014
What's going to happen next?!?! I need to know!!!!!
on May 28, 2014
i liked ur story
on May 20, 2014
Awesome! Can't wait for chapter 4! The story is getting so exciting
on May 19, 2014
That's parabolic old profile picture, good story bw
on May 19, 2014
its pretty good!! continue!
its really good!!! Omg!!! please continue!!!
on July 27, 2014
@MEGS0316 Thanks! I did. ALOT! What you think of the recent chapters?
on July 27, 2014
on May 19, 2014
Love the story! Can't wait for chapter 3!
on May 18, 2014