

Enter a world of fairies and magic, Princess Tana's world. The teenage princess is only months away from acquiring the throne of Veleminis when her father decides that she must find and wed a worthy man who will become her king. Tana has always known that she would someday have to marry but when she is given just ten days to pick her life partner and the future King, the pressure is magnified. So she does the only thing she can think to do. She escapes to the human world where time goes much faster. But will she be able to accomplish her mission within the time frame given?

published on February 23, 20177 reads 4 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 3.


For some unknown reason, my cheeks are brightly flushed and words are not forming correctly within my mind. The far too familiar feeling of moister on my palms is back and I can't help but look up at him shyly. What in heavens name is going on with me?

"Speechless at my remarkable looks?" He says smugly. Thank the Gods for Casper's arrogance or else I would have been stuck in that awful mute state.

"I'm actually quite horrified, you speak with your princess so very casually. I could have you punished for this!"

"Oh please do forgive me, princess, however, will you forgive me," Sarcasm drips from his words.

"I think I would best leave, I wish I could say it was a pleasure except I am told I am an awful liar." I turn on my heel and head for the correct exit of the garden.

"Goodbye dear princess, it really was a pleasure! I swear on my soul, we will meet again quite soon I suspect."


Although the last place I want to return to is the ballroom, I know I had to if my father was ever going to forgive me for the childish display. As much as I detest the idea, I will have to marry and finding true love was near impossible in my position was near impossible. To find someone who wants me more than the crown. Realistically thinking, it just was not going to happen. I should be finding a man that will be a decent king but I hadn't realised it would be so soon.

Father stands tall at the throne once he saw me, rage flashes in eyes but he disguises it in front of the people of the court. I am in so much trouble.

The ball was well and truly over and most commoners had left, leaving the prideful upperclassmen to complain and whine to the king about their presence in the first place. Hastily I make my way towards my father, keeping my head low in respect.

"Tana." Deep and commanding my father's voice rang through. I could even hear the deep anger that he was radiating.

"Father, I am truly sorry for how I acted. It was immature and I understand it is my duty as princess." I keep my head bowed in my speech.

"I am glad you understand but how you acted was not acceptable! You are a royal and thousands of people saw your behaviour. My word is law, literally. I don't really care how you feel about this situation right now. You have disgraced us. We will discuss things tomorrow. Go to your chambers." He's disappointed. I know it.

Furious at my father's words I turn straight on my heel and away hoping that my disdain reaches my father. I will choose whom I will marry and when. No one should be able to take that choice away from me and yet while one day I will rule over thousands of people, I still have not been able to make a choice for myself.

Over time the last few years, I have been studying humans and their lifestyles. Arranged marriage is outdated in many places and there was so much love to be found. While many of the humans could be malicious and cold-hearted, even they could feel and appreciate the love for something.

As I reach the grand doors of my bedchambers, an ingenious idea finds it's way to my mind.


The human world.

Time passes much faster in the human world. If I could go there for even just a day of time in the fairy world, it would be over a week in the human world. I could drag this ten days to a couple of months!

The only problem is, will father ever agree to let me go?


The next morning when the sun was shining and I held optimism,  my father would be a fool to not accept my idea. Choosing the future king in ten days was just a stupid idea. My ladies enter the door to my chambers and start to prepare my breakfast gown and open the curtains.

Aliah pulled out a gorgeous silver gown and started to prepare it. She was probably the kindest girl you will ever meet and I was lucky to her as on of my ladies though she is unusually young for a lady in waiting. Before she started work with me, she had been in a dangerous situation on the streets. I found her on an outing and brought her back to the castle when she was just nine years of age. Long black hair falls around her face gracefully as she lays out my undergarments. It is quite possible that Aliah would marry very highly in society when she is older because her beauty was undeniable.

Morella, my other lady, was far plainer with straight brown hair and hazel eyes. A sprawl of freckles stretches across her nose. She had been my governess and had then chosen to stay with me after her duties as a governess were over.

"Your Highness, did you have a good sleep?" Asked my last lady, Kinsey. Kinsey was the opposite of the other girls. She has platinum blonde curls with bright blue eyes, while Aliah was quite stunning, Kinsey was a goddess. She is possibly the most physically gifted girl in the kingdom at the moment.

I only wish I had developed friendships with these girls. Aliah and I had a deep bond but it wasn't the same. Maybe my problem was that I was so envious of these girls that I couldn't become their friend. They were gorgeous and so kind. They were adored by all they met.

I am a plain-looking princess dressed up in frilly gowns and no matter how hard I try I am just socially destructive. Not even once had I felt confident and comfortable in the presence of the nobles or even my parents. Whenever I am in court, or anywhere at all really, I put up a front that helps me keep cool but my insides are twisting in unnatural ways and fear churns through me. A wrong move, a wrong word in court could be my death. As the princess, you would expect there to be some allowances made but the nobles rule as much of the kingdom as my father does and that is my biggest fear.

"Tana?" Kinsey says, snapping me back from my thoughts.

"Sorry, yes I slept quite well. Is the king at breakfast?" I truly hope not, I have no idea how I will convince him to send me to the human world.

"Yes your highness"


I dress quickly and hurry to the dining room. Father hates to be kept waiting. I wonder why the girls didn't wake me sooner? Oh well, it doesn't make a difference now.

Calming myself for the last few steps before entering the dining room, I put on my usual front and hold my head high. Curtsying at the door and then walking towards my chair.

Father sat at the farthest end of the table and mother sat opposite him which is how it should be in a royal household, however, mother always liked to sit next to father even though it isn't proper. Either they are still fighting or their discussion about my marriage plans where quite extensively last night and they have nothing to say to each other this morning.

"It's about time Tana, I was about to have the maids come and hurry you up!" Mother said angrily. The appearance had always been a big thing to her and I assume she is not over my actions last night. By the looks father is giving me, I would bet that neither has he.

"I am so very sorry mother, my ladies only just woke me up, I came straight here."

"Well sit down child!" She responds. I do as she says and take my usual seat in the middle of the table between them. It feels weird, my mother being at the other side of me since she usually sits just across from me. That is when father behaves himself.

"Good morn Tana." Father unexpectedly says.

"Good morn," I bow my head and then continue "I would like to apologise again to the both of you. My behaviour was inexcusable and I can understand that but I had not expected your announcement last night. I had hoped I had more time than that."

"Tana, it was wrong of us to spring such news upon you at a formal gather and invite suitors without telling you but your mother thought it was a swell idea."

"Don't you dare put this on me you baboon! I said to invite them so she could meet them without the thought of marrying anyone just yet. You were the one who decided to put a time limit on her!"

"Well, it was you who suggested Casper as an arranged marriage!"

Casper! Wait, it can't be.

"Lord Kluver has raised him well and I think that he is quite a good match for Tana! He's not that harsh on the eyes either." With her last comment, she gives me a wink.



Please don't be the same man.

"But an arranged marriage! Tana is not that desperate!"

"It was just an idea and —"

"Stop it!" I cut my mother off mid-sentence which I usually wouldn't do out of respect, however, my parents were acting like two-year-olds. "I have an idea that might suit us all"

Both my parents stop their glare contest and look at me simultaneously saying "What"

"I want to journey to the human world!"
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Can Tana find her own happiness?
on April 06, 2023