The Start of the Proxy Girls

The Start of the Proxy Girls

This is a story me and my friend Ginathefox made together. It's about how our creepypasta characters met. She also has this story on her page.

published on April 20, 201415 reads 6 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.
My embaressment. * Minna *

My embaressment. * Minna *

"What the heck happened?" I asked lazily as I sat up. I looked around there were mirrors everywhere. Great. Just my luck chased, abducted, and for the second time kidnaped. A voice came out of nowhere "Now that your all here. It's time to face your fears. Starting with lover boy." everything went quiet until I yelled.
"Is anybody out there?!"
"Hello?!" Gizem yelled back.
followed by EJ "Yeah!"
"I'm here!" Ben answered.
"Yes!" Another voice yelled. A voice that wasn't Shadow's.
"Where's Shadow?!" I asked wondering if they knew. I don't know him other than the dream, but that doesn't mean I don't care.
"AAHHH!" A yell echoed through the never ending labyrinth of mirrors.
"who's next?" The voice came just then lightning shot right in front of me making me fly back. I crashed into a mirror making shards fall, me along with them sinking into my ghostly skin. I got up quickly ignoring the pain, and ran as thunder boomed around me getting ready to strike again. I turned another twisted corner just to trip over something. I fell making some of the shards sink deeper into my flesh causing me and whatever I tripped over to groan. I look over to see a soaked Ben.
"What the heck...Minna?" Ben asked bewildered as he looked back at me. I could hear the thunder growing louder, and apparently so could he. We both took off in the same direction.
"What's happening?" I asked as we turned a corner.
"Don't know."
We kept on turning corners until ice froze the floor in front of us. I stopped.
"Wait." I said
"What's wrong?" Ben was half way through the ice when he turned around.
"It's ice. I'm not going on ice." I protested as lightning shot at the end of the hallway behind me.
"Well to bad." He slid to me, and picked me up. How embaressing. He ran atop the ice as the storm in the distance subsided. Once on the other side of the ice he put me down. I was shaking in fear of how two of my nightmares just past. I leaned against a mirror pouting when it opened like a door, I fell into a red, and white bed room. He just laughed at me. We took turns watching for our fears, and sleeping all through the night.
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