The adventures of Super Cookie

I decided to make a comic-like story featuring Super Cookie, a superhero I came up with against the evil Yuck!

published on December 22, 201312 reads 7 readers 0 completed
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The adventures of Super Cookie
Chapter 4.

Super Cookie finds out

"That is so cool!" said Hershey's "I wish I could be that fast and strong and have powers!" "Go to the VorteX lab and they shoot lasers around. But don't because one of them had a skull sign on it and we don't..." "Bye see ya!" interrupted Hershey's. Hershey's goes to the VorteX lab. "Going somewhere?" asked Super Cookie. "Maybe right, there!" as he slides into the lab. Laser fires and almost hits Hershey's but Super Cookie blocks it. "I told you not to come here!" said Super Cookie. "Oh no it's a tank! And it's firing at us!" chattered Hershey's. "I am Yuck, your destroyer!" Yuck yells. "No you are not!" replies Super Cookie.
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