he is my drug

he is my drug

this is a love story,and it's going to be good so get commfy and grab that box of tissues.

published on December 11, 201327 reads 11 readers 2 completed
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Chapter 2.


it was the last class and all my new friends where in their,i was daydreaming about my bf"faith..faith....faith"rosie wispered as she shuke me back and forth
"huh what?" is their somthing your not telling us?" grace said "i cant tell you here, meet me after skcool at my place" "ok" they said.(at my house i call my boyfriend and i tell my friends) "GASP"they all imply (ding-dong) we all run down stairs we all try to get the and i get it "guys meet my new boyfriend ace" i open the door and they say "oh he's cute" they where vary nice and we all played truth or dare "ace truth or dare"grace asked "dare"he said thinking (oh on) "i dare you to kiss faith while dipping her"he does as she said and me and him enjoyd the kiss.after the game it was late so we all went to sleep"AAAHHHHH!!!!!!" i woke up screaming ace was the only one who woke up he came running in "are you ok" "sorry i hade i nightmare"he laid in the bed with me and stayed the whole night,(in the morning ) "aaaawwwwww" me and ace woke up to all of my friends saying"rise and shine love birds"giggled trinity.
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Comments (2)

what is a dip kiss
on March 12, 2014
yeah haaaahhh:x
on December 16, 2013