My life (4)

My life (4)

This story is about McKenna Abbott's life. She lives in a small tropical island called Palm Breeze. This story is about her family, friends, and herself.

published on November 28, 201321 reads 11 readers 2 completed
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Chapter 3.
High Tops

High Tops

This is what Scarlett did. She pushed me down, peeled off my shoes, and flew them off the cliff. Almost. The landed on the top of fence. "SCARLETT!!!!" I said. I jumped to reach my shoes, but I just can't. "Need a hand?" A voice says. I turn around. It's my Bff's! Andrew, Hallie and Hermione. Hermione gets my shoes. "Wanna hang?" I ask them. "Can't. Claire has pneumonia. I have to take care of her." Hallie says. "Can't. Reese has pneumonia, too. " Hermione says. "Yep! Luckily, Melanie, Destiny, Hope, Anna or Cece hasn't gotten it yet. Let's go!" Andrew says. As Hallie and Hermione go home, Andrew and I head up to Crakleburry Peak. The Crakleburrow is Palm Breeze's national bird. RING RING RING! My cellphone! "Hello? Mom? Where am I? Crakleburry Peak. CRAKLEBURRY PEAK!! Yeah, the connection's bad up here. What? Are you serious? Oh my gosh! Ok be right there, bye." I say. "what is it?" Andrew asks. "Liam and Mason got pneumonia." answer, in a blank voice. Then we both rush back to the house.   
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Comments (2)

on January 06, 2014
Ill write the next one soon :)
on November 28, 2013