The Exploding Cactus

The Exploding Cactus

Never keep a cactus in your house! Read on to find out why... THIS IS REAL!!

published on September 29, 201346 reads 15 readers 2 completed
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Chapter 3.

Example 3

It seems that a family was given a gift of a gorgeous cactus. (Or perhaps they bought it — I don't know.) At any rate, they took it home and gave it a place of honor in the dining room. (Or sun room or living room...)

They soon noticed an interesting phenomenon — the cactus appeared to be "breathing." In-out, in-out, ever so slightly moved the sides of the huge plant. At first the family thought nothing of it, but then the father or mother or some other responsible soul decided to check it out with the local nursery.

A telephone call was placed and the "breathing" described. The nurseryman shrieked in horror, and told the father (mother, other responsible soul) to "GET THE CACTUS OUT OF THE HOUSE, GET IT OUT NOW!" And Father (or whoever) dropped the phone and complied, racing to get the plant out into the yard.

When he took it outside the cactus EXPLODED and hundreds (thousands, tens of thousands) of baby spiders erupted from the interior of the (now defunct) houseplant.
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Comments (2)

where i live, there probably aren't any scorpions. so i'm safe unless the cactus i have was transported from a place where there ARE scorpions... euh.. so far i have kept a tiny fuzzy cactus by my window for 2 months or so and it's fine
on November 23, 2014
O.o i will NEVER NEVER NEVER get near them!!!!! this is definitely soooo scary/disgusting -_- i hate spiders :((
on May 07, 2014