Kittens and Doctor Who (Fem!America x England)

Kittens and Doctor Who (Fem!America x England)

While Amelia is visiting Arthur's house, boredom hits her. What happens when Arthur introduces her to his favourite TV show? Based on a roleplay on Omegle. Human names used. One-shot but I split it into chapters to make it easier to read through. Suggestive content was removed, but if you want to read the full 'suggestive' one, message me and I'll link you to it.

published on September 22, 201338 reads 15 readers 3 completed
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Chapter 4.

At the shelter...

"This is a hard choice, there's so many and they're so cute!" Amelia said.
"I quite like the tabby cat over there," Arthur said, pointing at a small kitten.
"But the black one with white paws is adorable!"
Arthur sighed again.
"Just get it if you like it."
"But it's your cat too! If you don't like it, then we won't get it."
"I know it's mine too, but I'm rubbish at making decisions."
Amelia glanced at the tabby that Arthur had his eye on.
"Why don't we get both?"
"If we get both, then you can keep one of them for good and I can have the other."
Amelia looked surprisingly let down.
"But I want you to visit me..."
"I can still visit you."
He blushed slightly when he said that.
"But I want you to visit at least every week! You said you'd visit years ago! but you never did!"
"Back then, things were difficult between us. Now I really, really like you."
"I thought you hated me... and you did for a long time. Why did you even visit?"
"Because... part of my heart remains with you..."
"You like me like that?" asked a confused Amelia.
"Yes... I really do…" he replied, blushing again.
"So then why did you scream earlier? You're confusing sometimes Iggy."
"I confuse myself as well."
"You said you cared about me when I was little and then your country decided to abuse mine. Taxation without representation? I liked you then like that too… and I still do."
"You... you do?"
Arthur really hoped she was telling the truth since he'd be really let down if she was teasing him.
"Yeah, always have. Why did you think I 'stayed' with France? I was trying to get to notice me! I mean he's tiny and he can't use it right."
Arthur hugged her, which definitely made her feel better.
"Do you still want the kitten?"
"Yeah, but I want you more."
The two shared a soft kiss. Arthur pulled away and gave a small smile.
"What do you think the rest of the nations will say?" Amelia asked.
"They don't need to know."
"I don't get to brag?" she asked, sounding a little disappointed.
"You can if you want to, but please don't tell every single person alive..."


At next nations meeting, everyone knows that Amelia and Arthur kissed and that they have kittens. Hungary thinks they're adorable and spends most of her time separating lecturing them on bedroom stuff and France asks Arthur if he can get in on 'it'. At that point, he borrowed Hungary's frying pan and hit France brutally with it...
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Comments (3)

@blackcat123 Amelia is female America :)
on February 11, 2014
Like it which country is Amelia? I know Arthur's britain
on February 10, 2014
I like this story!
on September 22, 2013