The White Wolf

As Jamie moves to his Aunt and Uncle for a holiday in North America with out his mum. He is not looking forward to going as far away. Until he realises a secret!

published on June 16, 201630 reads 7 readers 5 not completed
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The White Wolf
Chapter 4.

Chapter 4

Finally they arrived at the house it was magnifecent it had everything! A farm with all kinds of animals and Aunt Harriet had said that they didn't have rattle snakes in the area they lived in so that made Jamie really happy!
Even his room was splendid with pictures of animals surrounding the walls and a four poster bed in the corner white and blue stripes with a picture of a snake on the pillow. Jamie was not used to this standard of luxury.
When he was called down for dinner they ate at a long wooden dining table. But Jamie still didn't feel quite at home. He didn't know why.
After dinner he was sent for a bath and after that bed.
Jamie lay awake for what seemed hours and hours. At about twelve o'clock he heard howling this was obviously normal to his aunt and uncle because they did not wake up. He turned over and coverd his ears but he could still hear howling.
So Jamie put on his pale blue dressing gown the one he had worn the night he had been told the news and walked downstairs.
As he approached the bottom of the stairs the howling stopped "Typical" whispred Jamie to himself but still carried on.
There was no light outside because they lived in the country side of North America.
Jamie was a little bit frightend but still continued and as he went down the path. (Towards the fields that his aunt and uncle owned). He saw it at first Jamie thoght it was a dog but then he thought again that dogs don't live in peoples gardens it was a gleaming white wolf.
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Comments (5)

Awwwwwsome story!!!!!
Thanks :)
on February 23, 2017
on June 28, 2016
Nice job man !!
Thank you :)
You deserve it dear!
on June 17, 2016
on June 17, 2016
on June 16, 2016