Foxfaces Backstory

Foxfaces Backstory

As promised to the people who answered my question,here is Foxfaces backstory.

published on May 20, 201359 reads 22 readers 6 not completed
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Chapter 2.

Training-Finchs POV

During training I tried not to draw attention to myself.In fact,I pretended I sucked at everything.No one would find me menacing and kill me if I did this.I was using my best strategy.I worked my hardest without actually doing my best.Finally,it was time to show the Gamemakers.When it reached my turn I walked in and picked up some knives.The sponsors were all chattering loudly and ordering drinks/food."I'm...Finch Annley.From District 5."I called to them hesitantly.They all stopped what they were doing and turned quietly to me.Now was the time to show them what i've got but not draw too much attention to myself.I raised my throwing arm and threw.Two missed but one hit right in the chest.The Gamemakers all turned to each other."You may go,Finch."A Gamemaker called.I nodded to them and walked out of the room quickly.When I reached the room me and the others shared I went straight to my room.I remember Doves score.It was 4.She had tried to do exactly what I am trying to do.I wonder how she survived doing this...oh,wait.She didn't.I sit down on my bed not wanting to find out my score.As the scoring draws closer I realize that i'll be called out there to find out my score anyways.I stand and walk out to the living room.I sat beside Adam and turned toward the TV.They announced the first 4 districts scores.Finally,they got to Adam.He got a 10.Now it was me."Finch from District 5 gets a...5."The announcer said.I grin.This was easier then easy.In fact,maybe it's too easy.I got one number over Dove.I wonder if mum is proud of me or really angry for getting a higher score than Dove.The girl from District 12 got an 11.She was drawing too much attention to herself.The tributes from Districts 1,2 & 4 are going to be all over her.I got up and found some pajamas in my room.After putting them on I climbed into bed.Tomorrow were the interviews and then...the games begin.It may be hard.I've spent 15 years watching this on TV and picked up a few tricks but not enough to get me through.I know i'm going to die.Districts 1,2,4 & 12 stand a better chance then me.I'm only 15.But Finch is my name and sneakiness is my game.
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Comments (6)

More more more!
on January 31, 2015
i love it!:D<3:D
on May 04, 2014
Write more!!!!!!!
on April 20, 2014
omg I luv your profile picture
on November 23, 2013
this is awesome :)
on September 04, 2013
Nice Writes Girrrrrl!!
on May 21, 2013