Forever Yours

When 16 year old,Jamie Adams invited her three best friends over for the summer,she thinks that everything will go just right.She didn't expect to fall for her best friend.She didn't expect to become a werewolf.But most of all,she didn't expect to become who she became.A role model.That when times get tough,and you take a fall,get right back up & try again.

published on May 12, 201360 reads 17 readers 1 completed
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Forever Yours
Chapter 8.

Shrieking Shack

Jamies POV
"Remmy?What was Fenrir talking about?"I asked him."Nothing...when's the next Full Moon?"He asked me."Tomorrow...oh.You need rest,Remmy!"I exclaimed pulling him to his feet."So do you."He added."I wish I could sleep with you."I pouted.He chuckled."Come on."He said."Why do I need rest?"I asked curiously."Because.Fenrir bite you."Remus explained shortly.That was the end of that conversation.I could tell."Night Remus!"I said kissing him on the cheek."Night Jamie!"He said back and we both went to our seperate dorms.

It was 10:00 pm and me,Remus,James & Sirius were crawling through the hole to the Shrieking Shack."Why is Jamie with us?"James asked curiously."Because ickle Remmy loves his fiancé and doesn't want to let her go!"Sirius explained knowingly.Remus rolled his eyes."No."He said shortly and the rest of the crawl was silent.Finally,we reached the shack.Fenrir was waiting for us."Ah,Lupin.I see you brought Miss Adams as well.Good choice.And,um,Potter & Black.Why are they here?"Fenrir snapped turning to Remus."They help me through my transformations.I enjoy there company."Remus answered.Fenrirs face split into a painful looking smile."The more the merrier."Fenrir growled.I stayed very close to Remus.Just then,the full moon shone through the window.Fenrir was first to transform.He lunged at me Remus jumped out of the way but I could tell that that took a lot of effort.The pain in my side when Fenrir bit me was unbearable."Remus.."I cry weakly.But I can tell he is not himself.He's transforming.Behind me,Sirius & James become their animagus forms.After a while,the pain and agony takes over and I pass out.
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Comments (1)

What? If she was getting raped, why didn't they stop those animals?
on July 31, 2013