Forever Yours

When 16 year old,Jamie Adams invited her three best friends over for the summer,she thinks that everything will go just right.She didn't expect to fall for her best friend.She didn't expect to become a werewolf.But most of all,she didn't expect to become who she became.A role model.That when times get tough,and you take a fall,get right back up & try again.

published on May 12, 201360 reads 17 readers 1 completed
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Forever Yours
Chapter 5.


The next two weeks were torture for Jamie.Remus wouldn't even look twice at her.The continued silence between the two made James uncomfortable.Finally,one afternoon in July,James & Sirius pulled Remus aside after lunch."Remus..we know that you're trying to protect Jamie but...she misses you.She seriously won't stop crying about you.She's blaming herself.Actually considering killing herself."James told Remus.Remus' face became worried."Oh no.What've I done?"Remus asked.He pushed past his best friends and found Jamie sitting in the living room and sulking.He walked over to her.Jamie looked up when she heard footsteps.Remus sat beside her and placed his arm on her shoulders."Remus.I...I want to get back together."Jamie said confidently & hopefully."Jamie.Yes."Remus smiled.They sat there for a while staring into each others eyes.The two moved closer until there foreheads touched and Remus closed the gap between them.During the kiss,Jamies arms wrapped around Remus' neck and Remus' were around her waist.Finally,they had to pull away for air."Our first kiss together."Remus mused."Yup.Want a second?"Jamie asked.Remus laughed and leant in again and they were kissing again.When they broke apart,Jamie was smiling happily."...That!"Jamie breathed out."Got that right."Remus answered as he stroked her hair."I am never letting that happen again."Remus told her."What the kiss?"Jamie asked panic-stricken."No.Leaving you.Though...if I get a kiss when I get back then I might do it more often."He mused.Jamie laughed."I'll give you a kiss whenever you want."She answered.Remus tickled her and she giggled as she struggled underneath him.Jamie flipped them and lay her head on his chest."I love you"Jamie said looking up at him."I love you,too."Remus sighed contentedly.
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Comments (1)

What? If she was getting raped, why didn't they stop those animals?
on July 31, 2013