Greeks and Romans: A Medieval Journey

Greeks and Romans: A Medieval Journey

This is a story taking place in the medieval time period. It is about a young girl who finds out something that changes her whole life. She sets out on a journey to find and discover her heritage. Along the way, she meets all sorts of different people and... and so much more!!! By the way, this is my first time posting, so I hope you like it!!!

published on March 29, 201356 reads 18 readers 4 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Chapter 3 ~ Prison

“Where... where are we?” Sethon asked groggily.
Laura began, “You’re—”
But Kendra interrupted before she could give anything away, “You do not need to know where you are. All you need to know is that you are where we said you were going to be. Also, you’ll be glad to know that when we dressed Octavius’s wound, we found it wasn’t that deep and our doctor predicted it would heal in a few days. Now, you will answer my questions, then you will be gagged and sent to a cell in which I will confer with you in private.”
Just then, one of the few people in town they had entrusted their secret to walked in. His name was Jason, was the same age as Kendra, and had been her friend since she was little.
“Oh, hi Kendra and Laura. Are these the new prisoners you were telling me about? I look forward to speaking with them once they get used to their new accommodations,” Jason said this with an mischievous, dreadfully eerie smile.
Kendra replied, “I’m afraid they won’t be staying as long as you might think, Jason.”
“Why not?” Asked Jason, the disappointment showing clearly on his tan face.
“We’ll be taking them with us to... well... you know where.”
“No I—” Jason began.
Kendra interrupted, “We will refresh your memory later, Jason. It seems all of our guests are awake at last. Would you mind if we got acquainted before we saw them to their cells?”
“Of course. I’ll be just outside the door if you need me,” Jason said as he left the room.
Then Laura left the room and the prisoners looked at Kendra expectantly. Eventually Sethon, who seemed to be the bravest, asked, “So... so when will we have to go to a” he faltered for a moment, “a cell?”
“After I go over a few things with you, privately, you will head off to the cell. My mother is going to be guarding the rest of you with Jason while I am conferring with one of you. Do you understand?”
“Y-yes. Who will you speak with first?”
“Most likely it will be you, for you seem to be the bravest. Does anyone have any objections to Sethon going first?” The other prisoners all shook their heads, for none of them wanted to be the first one to talk, privately, with their captor.
“Nobody? Shame. Well then, Sethon, come this way,” Kendra said as she ushered him through the barred door, past Jason and Laura, and into a room with dull, gray walls and only two chairs. The door clanged shut behind them.
Sethon could hear the click of the lock as the guard outside locked it behind them and subconsciously, he cringed.
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Comments (4)

Yea I know, this story sucks. I wrote it when I was younger, and as I reread it, I laugh at my naivety. :P
on May 20, 2015
And thanks for your opinion. I appreciate that.
on May 06, 2013
Yeah, I know. Trying to work on keeping it interesting. :)
on May 06, 2013
This's amazing that you can write this much, and this is a very well-written story, but it's just not very interesting in my opinion. Sorry.
on March 30, 2013