Fiction and Nonfiction
Sheelo the Prophet
Nobody knows where the stories of Sheelo the prophet originated from. But everyone knows that they believe them. The stories are amazing, fantastical, inspiring, and so very empowering. And everyone knows that with Sheelo on th...
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Chase x Aiden
This is a story about a tom who cheated on his mate sandflower with a nother tom his name is chase and the other tom is Aiden chase has white fur with black spots with blue eyes and Aiden is a fluffy tabby tom with light gree...
1 read 1 reader 1
The anialator (3)
How I became a user and my backstory for new people, it’s hard being me and this explains why
11 reads 10 readers 4
my follower mcnuggets :D
he/she made my day better and my fav follower and he/she loves amazing world of gumball plus can we make amazing world of gumball a trend PLZ
26 reads 8 readers 11
my favorite follower who comments on my channel replys to the comments i put on his pics
19 reads 8 readers 2
Garden flowers
Garden flowers dried flowers not only delight the eye and create a unique atmosphere, but also protect the soil from weeds and attract insect pollinators. When choosing plants for the garden, every gardener prefers unpretentio...
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Como contactar con Air France desde Peru?
Si eres un viajero frecuente, y quieres reservar un vuelo con a Air france aérea línea desde Perú por utilizar los puntos de miles para reservar su vuelo, pero no sabes cómo utilizarlo, no hay un gran problema, puedes contactar...
3 reads 3 readers 0
How to find OPT jobs in USA?
If you have finished your academics and looking for jobs; reading this would surely benefit it a lot. Your OPT job search ends right here with OPTnation. OPTnation is one of the most prominent US-based OPT CPT job portal, whi...
7 reads 5 readers 1
dsbifahsduhfsdhciob iashucas ahjsidhf ioaeshdfi shdoif hsiodfh aiosbdnia sdnfia
7 reads 7 readers 0
Reality Shifting Experiences
I think the title is pretty self explanatory, yeah totally... -Love, Zero/Grimm <3
15 reads 12 readers 1
nicknames for your ex-friends
(warning: only do this if you have a partner because if they complain to a teacher, you have to have back-up.)
9 reads 7 readers 0
The cutest cat breeds
if you don't know which cat breed you want, than this is the story to read! It explains how the cats are like etc.
0 reads 0 readers 0
What happened to Yoinkyoit
What happened, and why Yoink was gone for so long. If you wanna know, here's the info.
10 reads 9 readers 0
Day to of being sad with out bother but today is the day she gets to see him! or will she?
10 reads 6 readers 2
To my ex ...
something that recently had happened. he played with my feelings. I am never trusting anyone...
47 reads 16 readers 3
Set Your Target Score For PTE Exam
Every PTE aspirant needs to set a target score before starting the preparation. If you have decided to score 79+ in the PTE exam, it is only possible if you are preparing through an appropriate PTE study plan. PTE study plan i...
12 reads 9 readers 2
look through thsi book for commissions, what I can and can't do, rules, etc all that fun stuff
9 reads 7 readers 0
Sander Sides oneshots
Hello i think this my oneshots book so it may or may not be the best I’ll try my best. There’ll be more information about the book and chapters in the intro. Enjoy whever chapters appear in this book
8 reads 7 readers 0