Do you know the lyrics? (Pop songs)

Do you know the lyrics? (Pop songs)

These are pop music lyrics like Ariana grande and Katy perry. Let's see how well you know music!

published on December 23, 201443 responses 33
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Finish the lyrics,
Head in the___, got no___ on my shoulder, I should be ___ and realize that I got

Finish the lyrics, Head in the___, got no___ on my shoulder, I should be ___ and realize that I got
Pillow, plate, hotter
Clouds, weight, wiser
Moon, skin, better

I__up too late, got nothing in my___, that's what people ___

I__up too late, got nothing in my___, that's what people ___
Stay, brain, say
Rock, house, see
Party, attic, grab

Oh my ___, look at her ___

Oh my ___, look at her ___
God, head
Goodness, foot
Gosh, butt

Why you gotta be so___ don't you know I'm ___ too

Why you gotta be so___ don't you know I'm ___ too
Loud, sensitive
Rude, human
Sad, depressed

I'm so___ you already know, I'm in the ___ from LA to ___

I'm so___ you already know, I'm in the ___ from LA to ___
Stupid, bathroom, Virginia
Fancy, fast lane, Tokyo
Happy, kitchen, Georgia

I'm gonna ___ ya, until you ___ me, and I'm gonna ___ ya, what's really ___

I'm gonna ___ ya, until you ___ me, and I'm gonna ___ ya, what's really ___
Love, hate, show, crazy
Hate, punch, point out, stupid
Rob, call 911, show, mean

Falling from ___ letting go ___

Falling from ___ letting go ___
Vegas, tomorrow
LA, next week
Cloud 9, tonight

I knew you were ___ when you walked in, so ___ on me, now, flew me to places I never ___ , now I'm ___ on the cold hard ground

I knew you were ___ when you walked in, so ___ on me, now, flew me to places I never ___ , now I'm ___ on the cold hard ground
Trouble, shame, been, lying
Happy, fart, seen, crying
Stupid, burp, looked, falling

Cuz you know what to do with that ___ fat ___

Cuz you know what to do with that ___ fat ___
Small, foot
Little, head
Big, butt

I can't ___ to ___ you

I can't ___ to ___ you
Forget, remember
Remember, forget

___ off all of your ___ and brave when you are ___

___ off all of your ___ and brave when you are ___
Shake, sins, here
Wack, boys, gone
Take, skin, free

Remember that trip we took in ___ yea, hanging with the boys and all your ___

Remember that trip we took in ___ yea, hanging with the boys and all your ___
Japan, girlfriends
Mexico, señoritas
Hawaii, dancers

I can't remember what I did ___ or even ___ like dude where's my ___excuse me what's my ___

I can't remember what I did ___ or even ___ like dude where's my ___excuse me what's my ___
Tonight, yesterday, car, name
Yesterday, tonight, keys, curfew
Last year, last eternity, bag, gender

You might ___ around and find your ___ come true with ___

You might ___ around and find your ___ come true with ___
Run, wishes, him
Walk, heart, her
Look, dreams, me

I got this ___ on a ___day when you were gone, I ___ my car into a ___ I watched I let it ___

I got this ___ on a ___day when you were gone, I ___ my car into a ___ I watched I let it ___
Feeling, summer, crashed, bridge, burn
Scent, winter, drove, store, crash
Look, fall, pushed, river, sink

They see me ___ they ___

They see me ___ they ___
Driving, watching
Pouting, laughing
Rollin, hatin