How well do you know Austin And Ally songs!

do you think you know all the lyrics of Austin And Ally. Take this quiz and find out.

published on April 13, 20156 responses 0
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there's no way I could...........

make it without you
be here without you

but by your side.......

Hint: 2 choices
im good at singing
im tongue tight
im tongue tight, sweaty palms I turn red

[what song is this] you got me feeling like im inside out

Hint: 2 choices
upside down
not a love song
the one Austin sang at the count down

ohhhhhh you and I together again. { what song is it }

Hint: 2 choices
chasing the beat of my heart
beter together
he sang it at a concert

what song did Austin write for ally

Hint: 2 choices
better together
upside down
steal your heart
the court song...........