Are you a good babysitter?

This quiz will help you be a good babysitter if you follow and get 100% on it. Are you good?

published on August 27, 201420 responses 5
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If there was a fire would you?

No worries, fight it
Calmly tell the kids to walk outside where it is safe, then round up the pets if there is if safe to do so
"Augh! Fire! Kids where are you? We're going to die!

If a child broke a bone what would you do? (Don't use capitals, slang or short for example: sure, yep, nah, yeah.) If you decide to use a phone number for ambulance it may be different to 000. Don't use it.


If a child did something wrong which is incorrect...

Hint: 2 choices
Spank him/her
Tell him/her off and warn them
Call the police
Tell them politely to not do it
Ignore it and they will learn

If they keep on doing it

Hint: 6 choices
Spank again
First time spank
Naughty corner
Give another chance
Tell him/her off
Tell him/her off politely
Tell him/her off first time
Ignore again
Ignore them first time
tell him/her if politely first time
Call police (Again or first time)

If a child wet himself/herself what would you do? (Don't use capitals, slang or short for example: sure, yep, nah, yeah.) If you decide to use a phone number for ambulance it may be different to 000. Don't use it. Don't use him/her, use child