How Much Do You Know About Yourself?

How Much Do You Know About Yourself?

Take this test to find out how much you know about yourself!tgt 4jkj5tyyhnbu65

published on January 03, 201447 responses 18
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How tall are you?

Taller than a bread box
Shorter than my pet ferret
Taller than the moon
Not tall at all

When were you born?


Consider the beginning of the end differs from the end of the beginning. How does that make you feel?


Reasons why you are not so smart

Hint: 3 choices
The bagels you buy are whole grain.
You're younger than your parents.
You don't eat enough apples to be really smart
You were born upside down
You spend 1/3 of the time with your eyes closed.

What color is your NOSEHAIR??? Nose Hair -> ////

Clear, it's glass!
Brown-I put cinnamon on it!
I'm not supposed to pick my nose, so I shouldn't know!