Kelsey's Final Exam

quiz for my final exam tomorrow afternoon. need any way i can to study.

published on April 15, 20116 responses 2
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Radical humanism believes in

top-down change
bottom-up change

Radical structuralism believes in

top-down change
bottom-up change

Why does structural social work argue that counselling, psychological interventions, or intra-psychic interventions are necesary?

Hint: 2 choices
the effects of oppression can be psychologically damaging
one cannot engage in social change when in a state of psychological crisis
oppressed people have higher rates of mental disorders
social workers must engage in consciousness-raising

What is assimilation?

the dominant culture imposes their beliefs and values upon the subordinate culture
the subordinate culture attempts to take on the values of the dominant group
the dominant group validates and embraces the diversity of other cultures

What is multiculturalism?

seeks equality among all social and cultural groups, where mutual respect and affirmation of differences occurs. group differences are considered positive and desirable
the celebration of cultural differences.
the melting-away of cultural differences

What is politics of difference?

seeks equality among all social and cultural groups, where mutual respect and affirmation of differences occurs. group differences are considered positive and desirable
treating those who are different with equal respect and providing equal rights and oppurtunities
differences are tolerated but not desired

What are the three levels of change for structural social work?

personal, cultural, and systemic
personal, interpersonal, and political
social, economic, and structural
substructural, institutional, and relational

What is change at the substructural level?

challenging dominant ideologies through consciousness raising
minimizing control and maximizing liberty
challenging inequalities in our own lives so we dont reproduce them

What is change at the institutional level?

challenging inequalities in our own lives so we dont reproduce them
challenging dominant ideologies through consciousness-raising
minimizing control and maximizing liberty

What is change at the relational level?

challenging inequalities in our own lives so we dont reproduce them
minimizing control and maximizing liberty
challenging dominant ideologies through consciousness-raising

Why is eco-technology a problem?

it is antithetical to green politics
it is not endorsed by many powerful political leaders
it is the belief that technology can solce the problems that it created in the first place

What is a public good?

it benefits the individual and can be distributed
it requires the collective cooperation of everyone
it benefits the collective and cannot be distributed
it benefits the collective and can be divided and distributed

What is a private good?

it benefits the individual and can be distributed
it benefits the collective and can be divided and distributed
it benefits the collective and cannot be distributed
it requires the collective cooperation of everyone

What is a free-rider?

someone who hitchhikes
someone who witholds participation while hoping that enough other people take action
someone that participates in social action while others do not

Why do free-riders present a challenge to Green ethics?

they engage in militant action against loggers which gives Greens a bad image
they are actively opposed to Green ideologies
the more people who try to be free-riders, the more the sacrifices of others are sabotaged

What is the political ideology advocated for by structural social workers?

social democracy

What are the two primary goals of structural social work?

to provide counselling and therapy to individuals so they can better integrate into society and to ensure they cooperate with social norms
to discover the causes of oppression and to work to actively change those causes from a socialist perspective
to provide immediate assistance to those hurt by capitalism and to directly challenge the structures which contribute to oppression
to help individuals and their families get the most out of the capitalist system and to reduce its harmful effects

Why do we need a "reconstructed" model of socialism?

"old" socialism reinforced the dominant role of males
"old" socialism reinforced the subordinate role of women
there are many other forms of oppression other than that which results from the presence of classes
the "old" socialism is not up-to-date with modern theories of social work

What are the three natures of oppression?

relational, cultural, and structural
individual, cultural, and structural
subcultural, relational, and institutional
relational, group-based, and non-accidental

What is a characteristic of group-based oppression?


What is relational oppression?

all oppression is related
family members of oppressed people are also oppressed
the dominant group has power, privileges, and resources that they use to maintain their status at the expense of the subordinate group?

Why is oppression non-accidental?


What are the key elements of alternative organizations?

grassroots organizing, political support, access to resources, diverse planning
grassroots organizing, community control, social support, shared decision making, and empowerment
shared decision making, grassroots organizing, empowerment, and political support

How can social workers support alternative organizaions?

provide material resources, create new organizations where there are none, refer clients to them, and provide knowledge and technical support
advocate for construction, lobby the government, and incorporate grassroots organizing into their own policies
they can provide knowledge and advocacy

What are the 4 Key activities of consciousness-raising?

normalization, mutual support, re-defining, and trust
normalization, collectivism, trust, and dialogical relationship
Normalization, collectivism, re-defining, and dialogical relationship
collectivism, social support, social awareness, and dialogical relationship

What is specieism?

priveliging humans over other species
privileging other species over humans
priveliging one species over another

What are the two reasons structural social work thinks models of distributive justice are inadequate?

they don't prosecute offenders promptly and there are higher taxes associated with distributive justice
non-material things cannot be re-distributed and it doesnt pay attention to the political causes
they ignore the social processes that caused inequality in the first place and non-material things cannot be re-distributed

Why are professional associations potentionally problematic?

they emphasize the technical aspects of helping which mask social works political nature
they are formed on the basis of academic credentials which divides users from workers, and requesting certification from the state aligns social work with the state
professionalism benefits the workers, not the users
heirarchies promote the view that social workers are experts
all of the above

What is social constructionism?

reality is socialy constructed and there is more than one way to interpret experiences
the involvement of members of society in building social institutions and policies
reality is socially constructed

What are the goals of narriative practices under structural social work?

problematize the internalization of oppressive ideas rather than problematize the person herself/himself
deconstructive process that unmasks practices of power and privilege
expose the impact of oppression on the identity of the person
deconstruct oppressive self-stories
all of the above

What are the three levels of oppression?

personal, cultural, structural
individual, cultural, institutional
persona, cultural, institutional

What are the five key forms of oppression?

personal, cultural, structural, cultural imperialism, powerlessness
violence, discrimination, racism, cultural imperialism, and powerlessness
exploitation, marginalization, cultural imperialism, violence, powerlessness

Why does the concept of time horizon present a challenge for Green ethics?

have to persuade people to make a sacrifice that will benefit the future
have to persuade people to care about the future
have to convince people that others will not take advantage of their sacrifices
all of the above

What are two reasons why Mullaly argues it is more appropriate to refer to oppression as structural violence rather than structural inequality?

violence negatively effects the human development, causes premature death, limits healthy living; and it is any relation, process, or condition by which the persons group suffers physical, social, or psychological violence
institutions tend to be violent toward marganlized groups, and this voilence results in impaired development
human potential is harmed and the capacity to be fully autonomous is stripped

What are the seven common forms of inferiorization?

social withdrawal
psychological withdrawal
guilt expiation
in-group hostility
escape from identity
magical ideologies
all of the above

What are the two goals of intra-psychic work done by structural social workers?

provide immediate assistance to those hurt by capitalism; challenge structural inequalities
counteract the damage of oppression; build resilience and strength so the individual can engage in action
counteract the damage of oppression; challenge the structural forms of oppression

What are some potentially oppressive features of the helping relationship between workers and service users?

professional language
professional values
power inequalities
all of the above

What are four key types of radical listening?

planned emptiness, bearing witness, deconstructive, attentive
planned emptiness, authentication, clarification, and non-leading
planned emptiness, bearing wittness, deconstructive, and authentication
deconstructive, bearing wittness, authentication, and equality
trust, bearing wittness, planned emptiness, and deconstructive

What are the four key purposes of interpersonal work?

coalition building; establish solidarity with others; develop political awareness; and engage in social action
develop political awareness; define a more genuine identity than the one established by the dominant group; establish the strength to express this identity; establish solidarity with others
engage in social action; challenge structural inequalities; challenge oppressive institutions; build mutual solidarity

What are the two ways which unions have contributed to the development of the welfare state?

labor unions were seen as threats to the dominant group and so social programs were developed to "keep people happy" and lead them away from joining a union
the unions, after being established, demanded these social programs for their workers
both A and B

What are the four core beliefs of the Green movement?

conectdness; stewardship to the Earth; respect for all living things; critiques of capitalism
stewardship to the Earth; all actions can have irreversible effects; anti-capitalist; need for a distinct Green party
develop a new Green party; stewardship to the Earth; respect for all living things; urgency of action
interdependence; the need for an alternative green ideology; all actions can have irreversible effects; capitalism and socialism promote anthropocentrism

What are the reasons Green politics is critical of both socialist and capitalist economies?

they favor the meeting of short-term human needs over the long-term needs of the enrivonment
both promote industrialization as an effective means to meet human needs
both view natural resources as exploitable
they promote economic growth at the expense of nature
All of the above

What are the key beliefs of radical social work?

socialism is more favorable than capitalism
liberal reforms can't deal with social problems
the welfare system has political and econmomic functions that reinforce capitalism
concerned with all forms of oppression
All of the above

What are two main reasons why radical social work criticisez conventional social work?

they don't account for structural inequalities; they provide individual explanations for problems and solutions
they are individualistic; they are not concerned with the well-being of the person
they patholigize oppressed people; provide individual explanations for problems and solutions

Why is mutual identification a necesary, but not suffieicnt, condition for social transformation?

need to move beyond acknowledgement to see broader aspects of oppression
need to develop a mutual ideology, which leads to a mutual cause
both A and B

What are the five features of Green Ethic?

Stewarship to the Earth; respect for all living things; development of a distinct Green party; obligation to respect the conditions that sustain us, obligation to recognize our power and practise restraint
Stewardship to the Earth; respect for all living things; obligation to respect and care for the conditions that sustain us; obligation to recognize our power and practise restaint; direct confrontation/nonviolent protests
Respect for all living things; animal rights; the obligation to respect the conditions that sustain us; development of a distinct Green party; stewarship to the Earth
Respect of the Earth, obligation to restrain power, stewardship to the Earth, development of a distinct Green party; respect for the conditions that sustain us

Why does dialectical analysis say we should avoid false dichotomies?

everything is related
change is constant
change is the result of unity and struggle
All of the above