Arts and Humanities
Computers and Internet
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Travel and Places
Do you need to rant or get advice?
Just comment and me and hopefully others will help you!
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How can you get rid of emetophobia?
Basically, emetophobia is an extreme fear of vomiting or seeing others vomit. I'm scared of both, and on top of that I feel sick almost all the time after a meal (breakfast is almost always fine) and that makes it really unfair...
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Are you a sugar adict?
For me, 100% yes
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Why do we kill bugs?
Omga. Where do i start? Oh ya. First, we destroy their habitat. Second, we exterminate them not knowing that we got rid of a habatat. Why though?!?
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Medial side of qfeast, help?
I know qfeast isn't a good source of info but,, on my right hand on my ring finger, my right leg, and other spots I'm feeling what seems to be like needles, and at the peak of it getting stronger, I spasm there. Idk what it cou...
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I shake uncontrollably. It happens more often every day, but a lot of times its very minor shivers. What can I do?
It's not a seizure because I am completely lucid. My muscles always feel sore, every time I wake up I can't feel my legs at all, do you know that tingly feeling when your leg falls asleep? I can feel that crap in my back. The s...
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Did you survive health class?
They make it sound worse than it is. Did you survive? Or have you not had health class yet.
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What's the shortest amount time you've ever slept this year? (in a night)
this description made no sense before, but i've stayed up a whole night. i've gotten like 30 minutes of sleep, but that was in the morning after pulling an allnighter.
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what is your definition of insanity?
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Why do I feel depressed after a nap? Does anyone else feel this way too?
On some days I take naps to recharge from a long or tiring day, or I just end up falling asleep. I wake up usually an hour or two later. When I wake up though, I feel strongly depressed or upset. Does anyone know why this happe...
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Girl called me retarded?
In art class one of the kids told me Samantha called me a retard. She was whispering to her. I just ask weird questions like if Rumpelstiltskin was a number. PS Samantha and the kid that told me sit in front of me.
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I might be sent to Rehab?
My parents think I am Anorexic. But I am not! Please help me not have to go!
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Why do we get tired after eating?
Why does my mum always tell me I smell?
Okay, I have a shower every single day and every single day my mum tells me that i smell. It's starting to really annoy me. Yes i put deodorant on straight after and clean those areas but. Ugh. Someone help.
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Finding foods spicy
Alot of foods i eat (such as normal kfc, some types of MAC Donald. chicken soup ect) I find really spicy to a point where i have to keep drinking water, milk. Any ideas why?
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What did I do to my ankle?
Alright, this is more of “what’s wrong with my ankle?” but whatever. So yesterday, I went ice skating. I literally had no clue how to ice skate, and I fell. I landed on my ankle the wrong way, and suddenly felt nauseous, dizzy,...
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Blocked nose?
I get a blocked nose from 9 30 pm till 9 am, any ideas why?
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What's wrong with me? (1)
Ok so, for the past...I don't know...year or two, I've been feeling nothing. Like seriously, i havnt been sad or happy or angry or anything. I've just been a worthless piece of nothing that everyone seems to look through, it's ...
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