Arts and Humanities
Computers and Internet
Consumer Electronics
Travel and Places
Who do you like better? Josh Hutcherson or Liam Hemsworth??
Legitamate question that most girls in my class ask themselves.. Josh Hutcherson is in the following movies: Journey to Center of the Earth & The Mysterious Island, Hunger Games, Firehouse Dog, Bridge to Terabithia, Polar Expr...
8 / 1
Have You Anything To Say About 9/11?
One Of The Worst Days In American History If You Live In Another Country Besides The United States On September 11th 2001 Four Planes Were Hijacked By Terrorists From Sadi Arabi 2 Were Crashed Into The World Trade Center Or...
17 / 11
Why do people actually ask this question??
Why do people actually ask: will you follow me on qfeast?? i think it is annoying and i have never clicked on that question, yet i can see it on the side of my screen... please, it bothers me not knowing why people can be so......
14 / 10
Awkk moment discussion.
Post your Awko Taco moments here :3
7 / 7
What is a hipster? I'm asking cuz idk!
Who would you be from the Hunger Games and why?
If You Could Control One Element What Would It Be
Why is life like this?
Do you believe that our choices are decided by fate or that we create our choices ourselves as we go along? For instance if I wanted to climb a tree but my mum said I couldn't because it was too high and I denied her it wouldn'...
9 / 2
What do you think people use more? Their hands or their feet?
I think we use our hands more but we also use our feet quite a lot too so... What do you guys think?
9 / 2
What do you think people use more? Their hands or their feet?
I think we use our hands more but we also use our feet quite a lot too so... What do you guys think?
4 / 3
When do you go back 2 school?
I go back August 6th. >_< Less than 2 weekz. :( Ugh...
17 / 1
What is the FUNNIEST PRANK You've EVER pulled? :D
How do you stop bullies?
There is a girl in my year and she is being bullied by these girls all the time. I really want to help and I seem like the only person standing up for this girl... I feel like the other girls might start bullying me too. The ot...
17 / 10
If You Had 1Million Dollars What Would You Do
Thats Alot Of Money What Would You Do
13 / 2
Why is the world like this?
Like why are we on earth and why some people are so mean... And also why I'm so weird... so yeah pretty much
11 / 5
When someone says something mean to you what is your response?!
People try picking arguments with me all the time and I never have a good comeback what are some good responses?!:/
16 / 5
What do you do when Somone just stands in the middle of the hallway not moving?!
There is this girl who just stands there talking every day and it makes me late to class, so today i told her to move in a mean way! But now I kinda feel bad so what should I do?!
5 / 10
how do i start off the convo
theres this girl and i want to say something to her like hi or something but im too shy i need help on how to go about this
5 / 0
Is it appropriate to email him?
I was at an event held by my company over the weekend. An attractive VP at a partner company gave me his card. Is it appropriate to email him?
6 / 10