Arts and Humanities
Computers and Internet
Consumer Electronics
Travel and Places
Is the things I think normal?
I'm afraid to be alone because I think either: A)Someone will come and murder me B)A ghost will hurt me Is this normal?
10 / 3
How do you get rid of your nightmares?
I had this really scary nightmare last night and i want to know how to get it out of my mind.Because after I watched Harry Potter 3 I had a dream that a werewolf attacked my family what do I do I can not get it out of my mind!
15 / 12
What's wrong with me?
I'm very tall for my age.But i'm also pale and no matter how much I eat i'm always skinny.When I see blood I laugh and I get frequent headaches and stuffy noses.What's wrong with me?
18 / 23
Why do I have red spots all over my face????
I just got done being sick like the flu and i went to sleep then I woke up and now I have red spots all over my cheeks, eye lids, chin, and a couple on my forehead. The spots are not zits or pimples or anything like that But I ...
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what are diffrent types of cancer in the world??
Name diffrent types of cancer.
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Health Question: Does This Happen To You Too?
I call them dizzy spells, but I don't know what they actually are... My eyesight gets all boxed out, like on reality TV when they are covering up somebody's face, they cover it up with those white, grey and black boxes. It sart...
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anoreixia nervosa - feel like giving up
hey, im 19 and i feel like my whole life has been taken over by anorexia. everytime i look back at something ive done, it always has part of anorexia in it :( for example, when i was about 8 years old, i was in my lesson at sc...
9 / 1
I am a distance runner so I get really bored when I run. When I get bored, I started going slower, slower, and slower. And, to state the obvious, thinking "run-run-foot-in-front-of-the-other" gets boring so I again run slower. ...
5 / 0
How is everyone? Is anybody out of school yet?
Just wondering :P I know I dont get out until June 14th...cuz i may or may not have to take some final maybe June 8th... and then how are you implys phsyically and mentally.
4 / 1
question on sewage bio-stations,
although some bio-treatment stations are an all-in-one; primary tank then a treatment tank, could i install a settlement tank before going to this so as not to have to desludge the system so often and to help with ...
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Have you ever had a really bad cough, that when you do cough it hearts your chest?!
I have a really bad cough and (cough cough) every time I do cough my chest starts herting really bad like Somone is stabbing me so I want to know (cough cough) if you have any tips of getting rid of it fast because I have a den...
5 / 3
How do you fall asleep without medicine?!
I've been having trouble sleeping and I was wondering if you had any tips for falling asleep!!:) thanks!!:)
13 / 0
Why do all guys think all girls wear makeup?(This is not a riddle!)
I wanna know cuz there are some guys who I know who think all girls wear makeup!i only wear makeup if I have to and even then it's the least possible!Like only lip gloss and powder!It gets on my nerves!!1
18 / 25
what is the maths answer
volume of a cube is: 4.5m x 3.5m x 300mm = 4725m If i need to buy sand bags to cover the cube at 5m2 to a depth of 100mm. What is the answer please.
1 / 0
how to establish the level and type of support and individual needs for personal care in a care home setting
How Do You Get Rid of Bad Habits?
i have a couple bad habits i am really wanting to get rid of, i have tried, but I can't usually keep not doing something for very long... HELP!!!
15 / 18
i'm 18 and just had my first nose bleed, it lasted for about 20 min. & a large clot of blood came out. is this normal?
i was in the mountains all weekend and got back last night but my nose didn't start bleeding until this morning. maybe this could have something to do with it?
4 / 5
how do you get your voice back!!!!!!
my moms lost her voice i really miss her voice
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