Arts and Humanities
Computers and Internet
Consumer Electronics
Travel and Places
Do you think witches are real?
Witches are not real so if people want to believe in that, good for you anyway withes are mythology not real is just a dream, fake, photoshop, and illusion
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Do you believe in BIGFOOT?
Bigfoot, also known as sasquatch, is the name given to an ape-like creature that some people believe inhabits forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Bigfoot is usually described as a large, hairy, bip...
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What can you do in 24 hours before the world ends?
1. Got Breakfast that’s already been cooked and done for us; all we did was sat down, prayed and ate the food. 2. Went back to the room – brushed and got ready for the day. 3. Posted on for ten minutes (the i...
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Do you believe in angels?
I believe in angels and I don't know how many people believe it
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Let's go to a haunted house? My friend told me o,O what should I do?
I really don't want to live or go to a haunted house, that gives me the creeps
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How many time do you fight in the school?
I hate school fights because is humiliate, disgusting, and is not educational for nobody
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Do you ever practice belly dancing?
Belly dance takes many different forms depending on the country and region, both in costume and dance style, and new styles have evolved in the West as its popularity has spread globally.
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What would you do to help somebody?
Help others even if you don't know them, it doesn't matter if that person if your enemy or not. Just help people and you will feel peace in your heart.
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What would you do if you have to take care of your evil cousins?
I hate my cousins they're so annoying
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Choose your cute vampire name
ALESSANDRO: meaning "defender of mankind." AMBROGINO: meaning "little immortal one." AMBROGIO: meaning "immortal." ARNOLDO: meaning "eagle power." BALDOVINO: meaning "brave friend." BALDASSARE: meaning "Protect the king....
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How many times do you have nightmares at night?
A nightmare is a bad dream that brings out strong feelings of fear, terror, distress, or anxiety.
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Do you dare to go to a cemetery by yourself?
Haunted Cemeteries exhumes more than two dozen stories of some of the most actively haunted graveyards from around the world—including the sordid account of a Florida grave robber, accusations of ...
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Why boys always lie?
I just want to know why boys lie every time? They don't make sense, they always say "I love you with all my heart" what a bunch of lies.
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Bigfoot sighting
So when i was 8 me and my cousin and my dad and his dad were driving around at night and we were driving slow well i look out the window on my cousins side and i see a a tree shake and then i see 2 orange glowing eyes pop up on...
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A question ive had since i was a kid
i had a stupid idea once after watching an episode of spongebob about opposite day i thought so theres flashlights? what about darklights? in the day when its to bright you can use it to make it so its not so bright.
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Any advice about something?
well i like a 2 girls they are both really nice ill label them 1 and 2 well 1's traits are she likes things i like but she does not like me she only likes me as a friend we share similar traits.2's traits are shes really nice ...
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Vampire spell did it work im paranoid..
Well i did a vampire spell offline i was bored and since then my two teeth got sharp and i got bags under my eyes D; HALP! and the baggy eyes isnt my imagination its all dark around my eyes and im a vegetarian but i have a sudd...
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How long did girls have plaits in WW2?
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How long did boys where short trousers in WW2?
Help! I;m working on this history thing, and are school is closing down in, like, a week. I said I'd finish it before it closed, but that's 7 days! I need to know how log boys wore short trousers for! Was it til they were 18, 1...
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Someone calls your name but no one is there?
For the past years,I hear my name being called. I asked who it is but no one is there. Help?
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