how should i design my room?

how should i design my room?

ok so my dad and some other workers (including me ) are building a house we started three years ago and it is almost done a get my own room (well half a room) what should i do with it)

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Oh I like the relaxing idea!!!:x
on March 08, 2015
If you want to feel calm, then I suggest colors like blue, purple, green, and turquoise. If you want a 'teenager' room, then I think the current popular colors are purple, orange, yellow, and pink. Some cool ideas for walls are...

-Paint an area with chalkboard paint: you'll be able to write with chalk on your wall and erase it afterwards
-Pant a wall black, then cover it with glow in the dark stars in the forms of constellations
-Have a white wall so you can bring projectors See More▼
Here is what some colors mean:

Red activates passion and makes your heart beat faster.
Orange stimulates brain activity and increases oxygen in the brain, as well as causing you to feel warmer.
Yellow is associated with youth and childhood, and it can make you feel energetic.
Green is a relaxing color that has a healing 'power', and it represents money and safety.' See More▼
If you would like a room that is mostly relaxing, then this design would be good (I'm going to sound bossy :) sorry):
Have a rug that is either green, blue, or purple, and have it cover the floor. Paint your walls with either of the two colors that you didn't use for the rug. If possible, your curtains should be the remaining color. Put your bed coming out from See More▼
on March 04, 2015
If you would like a room that has room to play, then it would be good to have this design:
One wall painted white; the others painted blue. Use duct tape as a "stencil" to outline an area on one of the blue walls. Paint inside the duct tape with chalkboard paint, and take the tape off. Maybe have a shelf underneath the chalkboard so you can have a little decorative See More▼
on March 04, 2015
on March 04, 2015
on March 04, 2015