How much weight does she need to lose?

How much weight does she need to lose?

How much weight does the girl on right need to lose to look like the 2 girls on the left. Thanks!

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Answers (4)

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Her problem isn't her weight, it's her body type. See the girls on the left? They have no hips. It looks like they haven't even hit puberty yet. The girl on the right, though, has hips, which is why she looks bigger. I don't see how losing or gaining weight will make any kind of difference in this scenario. Just wait a year for the girls on the left to grow up.
on July 27, 2015
No weight because she is beautiful just how she is.
on July 29, 2015
She doesn't need to lose any weight per say but if she wants a stronger definition she's going to need to do ab workouts. Not much but maybe 30min every day. There are a lot of east workouts. However these pics r a little skewed as @BenderIsGreat mentioned their ages and body types are quite different. Plus the left girls are tensing and standing up straight, so posture is just as important.
on July 27, 2015
(agreed with bender) but if the aim is a flatter stomach, then probably maybe 2-3 pounds. Honestly, i think the body is perfectly healthy already :/
on July 27, 2015