Why is Freddy the least favoured animatronic?

Why is Freddy the least favoured animatronic?

I don't know why everyone says he's so evil and all the other characters aren't. I swear people are only saying that because they just don't like the look at him, because he's not Foxy. Tbh I actually think Freddy looks quite innocent compared to Bonnie. idk what do you guys think? :)

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Answers (2)

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Because a lot of people think that he is badass because he's the star of the show. He also has teribble jumpscares. :p
on April 16, 2016
Beacause he is the main star and (no affense i dont really like freddy but i kinda do) he has the worst jumpscares even when he's withered.
on June 23, 2015