Do you think you have a purpose?And if you do what do you think it is?

Do you think you have a purpose?And if you do what do you think it is?

Honestly I think mine is just to be there for others.I mean I'm always in the background unless someone needs me to help them or something and I usually just listen to others feelings more than talk about my own.Im not complaining,in fact I feel selfish and horrible when I talk about my problems when others have it worse.I think I'm supposed to be some 'person' who's supposed to look out for others and not have any real feelings.I honestly think that if I wasn't needed or 'loved' by others,I would've stopped living since I won't ever have what everyone else does,like someone I can trust.Sorry if I got into that too much,Im stupidly,socially awkward.

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Answers (3)

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I think life isn't about the destination, but rather the journey. I think you should take every opportunity you have and help those you don't have those opportunities. And most importantly don't worry about what other people think about because in the long game, there problem with you is THERE problem!
on December 21, 2015
I don't....
on December 20, 2015
I do.
on December 19, 2015