What is a good title and good name for my characters in a book i'm writing?

What is a good title and good name for my characters in a book i'm writing?

The story I am writing is about an orphaned girl who lives by herself loves her home and is out on the streets, then she meets this dude named Alejandro who takes care of her. Then they fall in love, the end.

If possible this is how I would like this question to be answered.

Main Character
Title for book:

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Answers (1)

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Main Character: Mary Jane (go to ohbabynames.com and search 'maryjane' then click the pink word 'maryjane')
Age: 12
Personality: Shy, caring, sad, never feels sorry for herself, cares for others instead, whenever she gets a present/some money she gives it to someone poorer than herself
Backstory: Someone set a fire in her parents' bedroom one night when she was 6 and she vows to get revenge
Title for book: Going Up In Smoke, Up In Smoke, Going Up In Flames, Up In Flames, Hazy See More▼
on February 26, 2015